
Server-side module for mobile access to Nuxeo DM

Primary LanguageJavaScript


This is a prototype Nuxeo mobile client using JAX-RS and various mobile JavaScript frameworks.

Building / Running

Type: "make run-embedded". This builds and starts an embedded server with a demo repository (you may need to do it twice if it fails the first time).

You can also start the embedded server from your IDE (Eclipse or IDEA).

To deploy to a JBoss or Tomcat Nuxeo distribution, edit the Makefile to enter the proper location of your Nuxeo server, then "make deploy" (assumes you have your development server in $HOME/apps/nuxeo-dm-tomcat, if not, fix your Makefile).

If you want to debug on Tomcat, you may want to change the priority for category "org.nuxeo" to DEBUG in the lib/log4j.xml file in the Nuxeo server distribution.

Testing the embedded server

Type "run.sh" then point your (mobile) browser to http://localhost:9998/

NB: your must use a modern HTML5 browser.

Testing the tomcat or jboss server

Start the Nuxeo server, then point your browser to http://localhost:8080/nuxeo/site/mobile


The root for accessing the web application should from the regular application is


and root for the API calls:


From this point, the API calls (which return JSON data):

info/: return information and metadata about the object identified by download/: download file content for this object updates: return the list of recently updated objects search?q=: returns the result of full text search. render/: download PDF rendering of this object (TODO)