- 2
Submit to CRAN to fix Debian check failure
#582 opened by sfirke - 3
- 0
Add a custom adorn function
#580 opened by larry77 - 2
- 4
`clean_names.sf()` does not recognize `SHAPE` column as a `sfc` column when it contains multiple Geometry Types
#578 opened by ar-puuk - 0
[Feature request] Sorting
#577 opened by schneiderpy - 3
Add codecov token to resolve failure
#576 opened by olivroy - 1
[Feature Request] Allow `tabyl()` to accept character vectors as column names
#572 opened by EA-Ammar - 1
make_clean_names: Case conversions are wierd
#571 opened by KasperThystrup - 1
Unexpected adorn_totals("col")
#570 opened by ocelhay - 2
- 1
Feature request: A `rename`-like function that keeps the original names as an attribute
#567 opened by billdenney - 2
Feature Request: A function for quick basic standardization of an otherwise tidy (almost) df
#566 opened by AarshBatra - 6
- 5
Remove `%>%` in favor of `|>`?
#562 opened by billdenney - 6
Set old names as labels in `clean_names`
#563 opened by jospueyo - 10
Upkeep proposition / spring cleaning
#549 opened by olivroy - 0
Submit 2.3.0 to CRAN
#558 opened by sfirke - 0
CRAN notification re: janitor/man/janitor.Rd
#555 opened by sfirke - 6
extend dplyr to include tabyl class so that tabyl attributes are preserved by dplyr operations
#527 opened by larry77 - 4
`get_one_to_one()` errors with duplicated dttm
#543 opened by olivroy - 1
Possible to enrich the get_dupes()
#546 opened by sapphire75710 - 16
- 1
Edge case for `janitor::remove_emtpy()`: dataframe row dimension remains after columns removed
#541 opened by eauleaf - 0
Add paste_skip_NA to catalog vignette
#540 opened by sfirke - 4
Feature Request: `paste_skip_na()` function that skips NA values when pasting
#537 opened by billdenney - 4
German transliterations in `make_clean_names()`
#534 opened by dpprdan - 1
Require character input to `make_clean_names()`
#532 opened by billdenney - 5
- 2
remove_empty: select empty columns
#530 opened by luizaandrade - 10
Submit janitor v2.2 to CRAN
#509 opened by sfirke - 5
Dplyr warning when using tabyl
#526 opened by larry77 - 3
- 5
- 0
Create vignette entries for new functions
#508 opened by sfirke - 0
- 13
Changes to make_clean_names() breaks packages on CRAN
#513 opened by sfirke - 2
get_dupes has tidyselect warning
#518 opened by sfirke - 4
- 1
make_clean_names odd behavior with characters
#516 opened by tabauer23 - 0
devtools::check() failing locally due to desc not defined as dplyr::desc in get_dupes
#514 opened by sfirke - 2
- 2
- 1
Official notice of impending dplyr 1.1.0 release
#506 opened by DavisVaughan - 12
Feature request: allow users to opt-in for duplicate names in `make_clean_names()`
#495 opened by JasonAizkalns - 5
Deprecated functions clutter the auto-complete
#500 opened by AltfunsMA - 2
- 1
- 4
- 7
bug in adorn_percentages(denominator = "col")
#490 opened by mgacc0