
Website for the non-profit Tech By Choice

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Tech By Choice website

created with wagtail

More deployment info found here: Wagtail/Heroku deployment guide

Check out the admin panel Ask vanessa@techbychoice.org for:

  • .env credentials
  • production login credentials

Local Development Installation instructions:


Install Python and pipenv and enter virtual environment:

On macOS system the easiest way to do it is to use homebrew package manager. This command will install latest Python version:

$ brew install python

Install pipenv:

$ pip3 install pipenv

Start a shell with virtual env loaded:

$ pipenv shell

Next step is to install all the required packages. This project is using Pipenv to manage dependencies:

$ pipenv install

Pipenv automatically creates virtual environment using Python version specified in Pipfile and installs all dependencies.

Set up database

$ createdb tbc_db

Set up your .env

Create a .env file in your project root and copy the contents of the example .env into your new .env file Ask vanessa@techbychoice.org for credentials/keys

Start the app

$ python manage.py migrate
$ python manage.py createsuperuser
$ python manage.py compress
$ python manage.py runserver

Your instance is up and running! Available on http://localhost:8000

Log into the admin panel with your createsuperuser info to create pages and customize: http://localhost:8000/admin