
balanced ios integration

Primary LanguageObjective-C


Build Status

iOS library for working with Balanced Payments. Current version : 0.2.1


  • ARC
  • CoreTelephony.framework


  • Download the framework from LINK HERE.
  • Add Balanced.framework to your project and to Build Phases -> Link Binary With Libraries.
  • Add CoreTelephony.framework to Build Phases -> Link Binary With Libraries.


#import <Balanced/Balanced.h>

Create a marketplace object

Instantiate a balanced instance with your marketplace URI.

Balanced *balanced = [[Balanced alloc] initWithMarketplaceURI:@"/v1/marketplaces/TEST-MP2autgNHAZxRWZs76RriOze"];

Create a card object

With only required fields
BPCard *card = [[BPCard alloc] initWithNumber:@"4242424242424242" expirationMonth:8 expirationYear:2025 securityCode:@"123"];
With optional fields

Use an NSDictionary for additional card fields you wish to specify.

NSDictionary *optionalFields = @{
                                 BPCardOptionalParamNameKey:@"Johann Bernoulli",
                                 BPCardOptionalParamStreetAddressKey:@"123 Main Street",
BPCard *card = [[BPCard alloc] initWithNumber:@"4242424242424242" expirationMonth:8 expirationYear:2025 securityCode:@"123" optionalFields:optionalFields];

Tokenize a card

BPCard *card = [[BPCard alloc] initWithNumber:@"4242424242424242" expirationMonth:8 expirationYear:2025 securityCode:@"123"];
Balanced *balanced = [[Balanced alloc] initWithMarketplaceURI:@"/v1/marketplaces/TEST-MP2BTDSHT7BYTjxlhdWtXWNN"];
[balanced tokenizeCard:card onSuccess:^(NSDictionary *responseParams) {

} onError:^(NSError *error) {


Create a bank account object

With only required fields
BPBankAccount *ba = [[BPBankAccount alloc] initWithRoutingNumber:@"053101273" accountNumber:@"111111111111" accountType:BPBankAccountTypeChecking name:@"Johann Bernoulli"];
With optional fields

Use an NSDictionary for additional card fields you wish to specify.

NSDictionary *optionalFields = @{BPCardOptionalParamMetaKey:@"Test"};
BPBankAccount *ba = [[BPBankAccount alloc] initWithRoutingNumber:@"053101273" accountNumber:@"111111111111" accountType:BPBankAccountTypeChecking name:@"Johann Bernoulli" optionalFields:optionalFields];



The balanced-ios project builds a static iOS framework. The ability to create and build such frameworks has disappeared from recent Xcode 4 versions. To restore this functionality, which is required for working on balanced-ios, do the following:

git clone git@github.com:kstenerud/iOS-Universal-Framework.git
cd iOS-Universal-Framework/Real\ Framework

Specify the path to your version of Xcode. Answer yes to all prompts. Relaunch Xcode. This adds back the necessary Xcode templates.


Please include tests with all new code. Also, all existing tests must pass before new code can be merged.