
Collection of libraries and tools built with the Python API of OGR

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT



ogrtools is a collection of libraries and tools built with the Python API of OGR.

pyogr library

pyogr gives you OGR commands like ogr2ogr or ogrinfo as Python library, i.e. without calling an external executable file. Most of the code is already included in the OGR source distribution as samples for using the Python API.

  • ogr2ogr.py: ogr2ogr call with stdout/stderr redirection
  • ogrinfo.py: ogrinfo call
  • ogrvrt.py: generate a VRT from a datasource
  • ogrds.py: Call OGR SQL commands on a datasource

interlis library

Extensions for the OGR Interlis driver.

  • Automatic detection of used models in transfer files
  • Extracting enums from IlisMeta model
  • Loading and converting of Interlis models from model repositories

ogrtransform library

OGR has many options to transform data when convertion from one format into an other. The ogrtransform library uses a configuration in JSON format to transform data.


  "//": "OGR transformation configuration", 
  "src_format": "Interlis 2", 
  "dst_format": "PostgreSQL",
  "dst_dsco": {}, 
  "dst_lco": {
    "SCHEMA": "public"
  "layers": {
    "roadsexdm2ben_roads_streetnameposition": {
      "fields": {
        "tid": {
          "src": "TID", 
          "type": "String"
        "street": {
          "src": "Street", 
          "type": "String"
        "namori": {
          "src": "NamOri", 
          "type": "Real"
      "geometry_type": "Point", 
      "src_layer": "RoadsExdm2ben.Roads.StreetNamePosition", 
      "geom_fields": {
        "nampos": {
          "src": "NamPos", 
          "type": "Point"
    "roadsexdm2ben_roads_streetaxis": {
      "fields": {
        "tid": {
          "src": "TID", 
          "type": "String"
        "street": {
          "src": "Street", 
          "type": "String"
      "geometry_type": "MultiLineString", 
      "src_layer": "RoadsExdm2ben.Roads.StreetAxis", 
      "geom_fields": {
        "geometry": {
          "src": "Geometry", 
          "type": "MultiLineString"
  "enums": {
    "enum0_type": {
      "src_name": "RoadsExdm2ben.Roads.RoadSign.Type", 
      "values": [
          "enumtxt": "prohibition", 
          "enum": "prohibition", 
          "id": 0
          "enumtxt": "indication", 
          "enum": "indication", 
          "id": 1
          "enumtxt": "danger", 
          "enum": "danger", 
          "id": 2
          "enumtxt": "velocity", 
          "enum": "velocity", 
          "id": 3

See Wiki for more information.

ogr command line tool

The ogr command line tool exposes ogrtools functionality for using in a command shell.

ogr --help
usage: ogr [-h]
           {version,formats,info,sql,vrt,genconfig,write-enums,transform} ...

Query and transform OGR compatible vector data

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit

  valid commands

    version             Show version information
    formats             List available data formats
    info                Information about data
    sql                 Execute SQL Query
    vrt                 Create VRT from data source
    genconfig           Generate OGR configuration from data source
    write-enums         Write tables with enumeration values
    transform           Transform data source based on OGR configuration

ogr version

Show version information

usage: ogr version [-h]

ogr formats

List available data formats

usage: ogr formats [-h]

ogr info

Information about data

usage: ogr info [-h] source [layers [layers ...]]


ogr info tests/data/osm/railway.shp
INFO: Open of `tests/data/osm/railway.shp'
      using driver `ESRI Shapefile' successful.

Layer name: railway
Geometry: Line String
Feature Count: 73
Extent: (9.478497, 9.628118) - (47.124600, 47.262550)
Layer SRS WKT:
type: String (255.0)
osm_id: Real (11.0)
lastchange: Date (10.0)
name: String (255.0)
keyvalue: String (80.0)

ogr sql

Execute SQL Query

usage: ogr sql [-h] source sql-query


ogr sql tests/data/osm/railway.shp "SELECT type,osm_id,lastchange FROM railway WHERE lastchange < '2008/04/01'"
INFO: Open of `tests/data/osm/railway.shp'
      using driver `ESRI Shapefile' successful.

Layer name: railway
Geometry: Line String
Feature Count: 8
Extent: (9.478497, 9.628118) - (47.124600, 47.262550)
Layer SRS WKT:
type: String (255.0)
osm_id: Real (11.0)
lastchange: Date (10.0)
  type (String) = rail
  osm_id (Real) = 9675696
  lastchange (Date) = 2007/10/17
  LINESTRING (9.6174755 47.227974,9.6170635 47.22802)

  type (String) = rail
  osm_id (Real) = 9675711
  lastchange (Date) = 2007/10/17
  LINESTRING (9.617415 47.22794,9.617038 47.227985)

ogr vrt

Create VRT from data source

usage: ogr vrt [-h] source [layers [layers ...]]


ogr vrt tests/data/osm/railway.shp
  <OGRVRTLayer name="railway">
    <SrcDataSource relativeToVRT="0" shared="1">tests/data/osm/railway.shp</SrcDataSource>
    <Field name="type" type="String" src="type" width="255"/>
    <Field name="osm_id" type="Real" src="osm_id" width="11"/>
    <Field name="lastchange" type="Date" src="lastchange" width="10"/>
    <Field name="name" type="String" src="name" width="255"/>
    <Field name="keyvalue" type="String" src="keyvalue" width="80"/>

ogr genconfig

Generate transormation specification from data source

usage: ogr genconfig [-h] [--format FORMAT] [--model MODEL]
                   source [layers [layers ...]]


ogr genconfig --format=PostgreSQL tests/data/osm/railway.shp
  "comment": "// OGR transformation specification",
  "layers": {
    "railway": {
      "fields": {
        "keyvalue": {
          "src": "keyvalue", 
          "type": "String", 
          "width": 80
        "lastchange": {
          "src": "lastchange", 
          "type": "Date", 
          "width": 10
        "type": {
          "src": "type", 
          "type": "String", 
          "width": 255
        "name": {
          "src": "name", 
          "type": "String", 
          "width": 255
        "osm_id": {
          "src": "osm_id", 
          "type": "Real", 
          "width": 11
      "geometry_type": "LineString", 
      "src_layer": "railway"

ogr write-enums

Write tables with enumeration values

usage: ogr write-enums [-h] [--debug] [--format FORMAT] [--config CONFIG]

positional arguments:
  dest             output datasource

optional arguments:
  -h, --help       show this help message and exit
  --debug          Display debugging information
  --format FORMAT  Destination format
  --config CONFIG  OGR configuration


ogr write-enums --config=roads.cfg "PG:dbname=ogrili"

ogr transform

Transform data source based on transformation configuration

usage: ogr transform [-h] [--debug] [--reverse] [--format FORMAT]
                     [--config CONFIG]
                     [dest] source [layers [layers ...]]

positional arguments:
  dest             output datasource
  source           input datasource
  layers           layer names

optional arguments:
  -h, --help       show this help message and exit
  --debug          Display debugging information
  --reverse        Reverse transformation
  --format FORMAT  Destination format
  --config CONFIG  OGR configuration


ogr transform --config=roads.cfg "PG:dbname=ogrili" RoadsExdm2ien.xml

From Interlis to GML:

ogr transform --format GML --config tests/data/ili/RoadsExdm2ien.cfg tests/data/ili/RoadsExdm2ien.gml tests/data/ili/roads23.xtf,tests/data/ili/RoadsExdm2ien.imd

Back to Interlis:

ogr transform --reverse --config tests/data/ili/RoadsExdm2ien.cfg /tmp/roads23_from_gml.xtf,tests/data/ili/RoadsExdm2ien.imd tests/data/ili/RoadsExdm2ien.gml

ogrprocessing QGIS plugin

Provides OGR functionality as QGIS SEXTANTE plugin. It was published for QGIS 1.8 and is now included in the core processing algorithms of QGIS 2.0.

Interlis QGIS plugin

GUI for importing and exporting Interlis data with OGR/ogrtools. Includes Python libraries for easy installation. Currently tested with QGIS 2.0.


git clone https://github.com/sourcepole/ogrtools.git

Running tests:

apt-get install python-nose

For running ogr commands from source tree:

alias ogr="PYTHONPATH=$(pwd)/lib $(pwd)/bin/ogr"


ogrtools is Copyright © 2012-2014 Sourceepole AG. It is free software, and may be redistributed under the terms specified in the LICENSE.txt file.