symphony chat handler for sensu-go monitoring
symphony chat handler allows you to send notifications from sensu directly to symphony chat room. Handler is a simple python3 script which read sensu event json and send message to symphony chat room.
To authorize you need provide ssh-key or already generated jwt token (one of these). In case of ssh-key, script will generate jwt token and store it in the same directory (so sensu-backend should be able to write there)
From time to time script will regenerate expired jwt token.
You can modify script on your own, if you want to change path/authorization/message format
- Put to your handlers assets
- Edit and apply sensu-handler-example.yaml using sensuctl sensuctl --namespace -f sensu-handler-example.yaml
- Create check with symphony-handler handler and test connectivity. You can also manually send event JSON to By default is_incident filter is enabled for handler, so don't forget that check should generate erorr or warning to send action to handler script.
- Troubleshot: Uncomment debug print line at the end of - Script will generate curl command to send notification. Play with curl command to debug what is going wrong.
Sergii Kulyk (