
testing out the new OpenLayers 3 animation feature

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Experimenting with OpenLayers 3 animation...

Note: This project requires OpenLayers 3 to be installed at the same base directory.

Next Steps

  • how to display marker popups...?
  • I think best UI is to show popups for all markers on the map view
    • activate popups for all markers after zoom in
    • de-activate popups when zooming out
  • adjust duration of animation based on distance travelled
  • experimenting with rotating map view going to/from New Zealand
  • still needs some tweaking, might experiment with 180 degree rotation too
  • having issue in which New Zealand flips before rotation and animation begin...
  • alternative basemaps...
  • might look at Apple iPhoto basemap (only works up to z14)
  • http://gsp2.apple.com/tile?api=1&style=slideshow&layers=default&lang=en_US&z=${z}&x=${x}&y=${y}&v=9
  • which I got from here: http://madrona2d.labs.ecotrust.org/layer_manager/demo/
  • do a little refactoring...encapsulate methods and variables better...