JuliaBoxTutorials - Org-mode

I need to convert notebook to org-mode format.

The following command combination would work for me,

jupyter nbconvert notebook.ipynb --to markdown
pandoc notebook.md -o notebook.org

but it would be more convenient to have a direct conversion command. It seems that it may be straightforward to add. (If some kind experts show me the way, I might give it a try.) For example, here is an naive shell script to achieve the purpose:

jupyter nbconvert $1.ipynb --to markdown
pandoc $1.md -o tmp.org
sed 's/\(BEGIN_SRC python\)/\1 :noweb no-export :tangle /' tmp.org > $1.org
rm -f $1.md

The reason that I still need to convert to org-mode, it is for org-mode babel support, with which I I have finer control of tangling the source code to different source code files without the excessive narrative in the workbook. Especially, I can direct different code chunks to different files, some for libraries, other for unit tests, etc.

If Jupyterlab could support such refined source code tangling, then I may not need to go back to org-mode/babel.

Note: Personally I always prefer the org mode given that only needs julia.