Gallery Lightbox with SPA navigation
A simple lightbox gallery with 0 external dependencies. It can be used in a react project or a vanilla html page
Instructions for a simple Vanilla
Create a gallery and style how you want. the elements need to be as follow:
<div class="gallery1">
<a href="">
<img src="" />
<a href="">
<img src="" />
<a href="">
<img src="" />
import MGallery from mgallery.js into your module
Create a new instance of MGallery with an object key of "gallery" that has the html element reference
<script type="module">
import { MGallery} from "./src/mgallery.js";
const g = new MGallery({gallery: document.querySelector(".gallery1")});
Instructions for React
npm install mgallery
//sample of an component
import { useEffect, useRef } from 'react'
import './App.css'
import MGallery from "mgallery";
function App() {
const gallery = useRef();
//pretend you get images from an api
const images = [
{ src: "", thumb: "", alt: "file1"},
{ src: "", thumb: "", alt: "file2"},
{ src: "", thumb: "", alt: "file3"},
{ src: "", thumb: "", alt: "file4"},
{ src: "", thumb: "", alt: "file5"},
{ src: "", thumb: "", alt: "file6"},
{ src: "", thumb: "", alt: "file7"},
{ src: "", thumb: "", alt: "file8"},
{ src: "", thumb: "", alt: "file9"},
const mgallery = new MGallery({gallery})
return (
<div className="App">
<div className='gallery' ref={gallery}>
{, i)=>{
//build your image gallery
<a href={e.src} key={i}><img src={e.src} alt={e.alt} /></a>
export default App