
Go package for interacting with the sfomuseum/swift-text-emboss command-line, www and grpc tools

Primary LanguageGoOtherNOASSERTION


Go package for interacting with the sfomuseum/swift-text-emboss command-line, www and grpc tools


For background, please see the Searching Text in Images on the Aviation Collection Website blog post.


Documentation is incomplete.


Error handling omitted for the sake of brevity.


Local text "embossing" depends on their being a copy of the text-emboss tool that can be invoked in a shell command.

package main

import (


func main() {

	ctx := context.Background()
	ex, _ := emboss.NewEmbosser(ctx, "local:///usr/local/sfomuseum/bin/text-emboss")

	for _, path := range flag.Args() {
		rsp, _ := ex.EmbossText(ctx, path)

Remote (HTTP)

Remote (HTTP) text "embossing" depends on their being a copy of the text-emboss-server tool running that can be accessed over HTTP.

package main

import (


func main() {

	ctx := context.Background()
	ex, _ := emboss.NewEmbosser(ctx, "http://localhost:8080")

	for _, path := range flag.Args() {
		rsp, _ := ex.EmbossText(ctx, path)

Remote (gRPC)

Remote (gRPC) text "embossing" depends on their being a copy of the text-emboss-server tool running that can be accessed over TCP.

package main

import (


func main() {

	ctx := context.Background()
	ex, _ := emboss.NewEmbosser(ctx, "grpc://localhost:1234")

	for _, path := range flag.Args() {
		rsp, _ := ex.EmbossText(ctx, path)



$> ./bin/emboss -h
Usage of ./bin/emboss:
    	Return results as a JSON-encoded dictionary containing text, source and creation time properties.
  -embosser-uri string
    	A valid sfomuseum/go-text-emboss.Embosser URI. (default "local:///usr/local/sfomuseum/bin/text-emboss")

For example, assuming there is a copy of the text-emboss tool at /usr/local/sfomuseum/bin/text-emboss:

$> ./bin/emboss .fixtures/menu.jpg 
Mood-lit Libations
Champagne Powder Cocktail
Champagne served with St. Germain
elderflower liqueur and hibiscus syrup
Mile-High Manhattan
Stranahans whiskey served with
sweet vermouth
Peach Collins On The Rockies
Silver Tree vodka, Leopold Bros peach
liqueur, lemon juice and agave nectar
Colorado Craft Beer
California Wines

Or, assuming the there is a copy of the text-emboss-server tool listening for requests on http://localhost:8080:

$> ./bin/emboss -embosser-uri http://localhost:8080 .fixtures/menu.jpg
Mood-lit Libations
Champagne Powder Cocktail
Champagne served with St. Germain
elderflower liqueur and hibiscus syrup
Mile-High Manhattan
Stranahans whiskey served with
sweet vermouth
Peach Collins On The Rockies
Silver Tree vodka, Leopold Bros peach
liqueur, lemon juice and agave nectar
Colorado Craft Beer
California Wines

Or, assuming the there is a copy of the text-emboss-server tool listening for requests on localhost:1234:

$> ./bin/emboss -embosser-uri grpc://localhost:1234 .fixtures/menu.jpg
Mood-lit Libations
Champagne Powder Cocktail
Champagne served with St. Germain
elderflower liqueur and hibiscus syrup
Mile-High Manhattan
Stranahans whiskey served with
sweet vermouth
Peach Collins On The Rockies
Silver Tree vodka, Leopold Bros peach
liqueur, lemon juice and agave nectar
Colorado Craft Beer
California Wines


To return provenance and creation time for the text extracted from an image pass the -as-json flag which will return a JSON-encoded dictionary containing that information.

$> ./bin/emboss -embosser-uri 'grpc://localhost:8080' -as-json ./fixtures/menu.jpg | jq
  "text": "Mood-lit Libations\nChampagne Powder Cocktail\nChampagne served with St. Germain\nelderflower liqueur and hibiscus syrup\nMile-High Manhattan\nStranahans whiskey served with\nsweet vermouth\nPeach Collins On The Rockies\nSilver Tree vodka, Leopold Bros peach\nliqueur, lemon juice and agave nectar\nColorado Craft Beer\nCalifornia Wines\namerica",
  "source": "com.apple.visionkit.VNImageRequestHandler#Version 14.1.2 (Build 23B92)",
  "created": 1701900635

Note: The source key is an arbitrary string used to identify the processes, or models, from which image text was derived. As of this writing this string has no standard formatting or requirements. If and when those conventions are established this package will be updated to use them.


To run tests you will need to specify the custom -local-embosser-uri, -grpc-embosser-uri and -http-embosser-uri flag with values specific to your system. For example:

$> go test -v -local-embosser-uri local:///usr/local/sfomuseum/bin/text-emboss -http-embosser-uri http://localhost:8080 -grpc-embosser-uri grpc://localhost:1234
=== RUN   TestGRPCEmbosser
--- PASS: TestGRPCEmbosser (0.09s)
=== RUN   TestGRPCEmbosserWithReader
--- PASS: TestGRPCEmbosserWithReader (0.07s)
=== RUN   TestHTTPEmbosser
--- PASS: TestHTTPEmbosser (0.73s)
=== RUN   TestHTTPEmbosserWithReader
--- PASS: TestHTTPEmbosserWithReader (0.85s)
=== RUN   TestLocalEmbosser
--- PASS: TestLocalEmbosser (0.31s)
=== RUN   TestLocalEmbosserWithReader
--- PASS: TestLocalEmbosserWithReader (0.29s)
=== RUN   TestLocalEmbosserWithReaderAndPath
--- PASS: TestLocalEmbosserWithReaderAndPath (0.30s)
=== RUN   TestNullEmbosser
--- PASS: TestNullEmbosser (0.00s)
=== RUN   TestNullEmbosserWithReader
--- PASS: TestNullEmbosserWithReader (0.00s)
ok  	github.com/sfomuseum/go-text-emboss	2.791s

Note that the TestLocal tests are only applicable on OS X (darwin) systems.

See also