
Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Install notes

If you are using samba 4 see : https://github.com/sfonteneau/AzureADConnect_Samba4

apt-get install git
git clone https://github.com/sfonteneau/AzureADConnect_Ldap.git /opt/sync-azure
git -C /opt/sync-azure submodule update --progress --init -- "AADInternals_python"
git -C /opt/sync-azure/AADInternals_python submodule update --progress --init -- "python_wcfbin"
mkdir /etc/azureconf/
cp -f /opt/sync-azure/azure.conf.exemple /etc/azureconf/azure.conf
cp -f /opt/sync-azure/mapping.json.exemple /etc/azureconf/mapping.json
apt-get install python3-peewee python3-passlib python3-xmltodict python3-requests python3-azure python3-ldap3 -y

If you are not under debian or if you do not have the packages available :

apt-get install python3-pip
pip3 install -r /opt/sync-azure/requirements.txt
pip3 install -r /opt/sync-azure/AADInternals_python/requirements.txt
  • Configure /etc/azureconf/azure.conf

You can try like this:

python3 /opt/sync-azure/run_sync.py

The script sends all users and groups a first time and then only sends what has been modified since the last send during the next launch.


  • Please note that this project uses Microsoft APIs not officially documented. Microsoft may break compatibility at any time

  • mail is used for the email address

  • "password writeback" not supported

  • User and group management only


LDAP connection settings

Params Value exemple Description
server_ldap Name or ip or the complete url in the scheme://hostname:hostport format of the server (required) - port and scheme (ldap or ldaps) defined here have precedence over the parameters port and use_ssl
port_ldap 389 The port where the DSA server is listening (defaults to 389, for a cleartext connection, 636 for a secured connection)
use_ssl_ldap False Specifies if the connection is on a secure port (defaults to False). When True the secure port is usually set to 636
verify_cert_ldap False Defined if the ldap ssl/tls connection should be verified and validated
path_to_bundle_crt_ldap /root/ldap.crt If verify_cert_ldap is True then you must define a certificate bundle path with which the connection will be verified, "lib_python_certifi" indicates to check with the "certifi" library
user_ldap cn=admin,dc=demo,dc=lan login for ldap connection
password_ldap password password for ldap connection
basedn_user OU=USER,DC=DEMO,DC=LAN indicate several bases dn , separate them with |
basedn_group OU=GROUP,DC=DEMO,DC=LAN indicate several bases dn , separate them with |
filter_user (objectClass=posixAccount) Specifies the ldap filter to use to find users
filter_group (objectClass=posixGroup) Specifies the ldap filter to use to find groups

Other settings

Params Value exemple Description
do_delete True defined if objects found online on Azure and not present locally must be deleted.
hash_synchronization True hash_synchronization set whether passwords should be synchronized.
dry_run True he script will display the actions but will not perform the action
 dbpath /root/last_send_azuread.db the last data sent is stored there.
proxy define the proxy to use
tenant_id 6121018c-f311-9999-9999-ec17bba6e422 indicate the tenant_id here
credential_cache_file /root/last_token_azuread.json indicates the path to the credentials cache
calculate_deletions_based_on_last_sync False allows you not to retrieve the list of users and groups from Azure, thereby limiting the number of requests to Azure , Can only be triggered after a first successful synchronization


The default sourceanchor for user and group in azure.conf.exemple is sambaSID

If "sourceanchor" changes, it will initiate object deletions and then object recreations. You must therefore choose your sourceanchor well and not change it

A dry_run mode allows you to run the script without making any changes

You can indicate that the attribute you have chosen is a "sid" with the parameter "sourceanchorattr_user_is_sid" and "sourceanchorattr_group_is_sid" for conform to how Azure Ad Connect windows works (base64 encoding of a binary attribute, sid is binary)

see: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/entra/identity/hybrid/connect/plan-connect-design-concepts#selecting-a-good-sourceanchor-attribute


The password sent to azure ad is an "NTLM hash", if you are using an openldap with samba3 schema then that hash is the sambaNTPassword, configure it with "hashnt" in the mapping.json file.

As far as I know , there is currently no other type of hash supported by microsoft, the other alternative is the plaintext password...

Novell :

Using use_novell_get_universal_password allows you to use ldap3's get_universal_password function with novell. With this operation the password is recovered in plain text and then converted to hashing automatically.

Mapping attribut

You must specify the attribute mapping in this file


Args for script

Args Description Default Value
--conf path to conf file /etc/azureconf/azure.conf
--force Force synchronization of all objects False
--dryrun simulate a send but does not actually perform the actions Value in config File
 --logfile logfile /var/log/azure_ad_sync
--service-mode Run the script in service mode False