Simple web service to search for and save favourite Pokémon.
- Reactjs
- Redux
- TypeScript
- TypeScript + Express backend
You can run the service in any environment that supports docker, it has no external dependencies and can be run with the following:
# in the pokesearch repository
docker build -t pokesearch .
docker run -p 6060:6060 pokesearch
There are also published docker image releases available on request.
You can run the code locally on any machine with node
# in the pokesearch repository
npm install
npm run build:app && npm run build:server
npm start
- Happy path end to end journey testing across both the frontend and the backend (using Cypress)
- React router for managing internal Reactjs app state, allowing for deep linking and a cleaner abstraction
- Accessibility audit on all componenets, reviewing visual and page reader clarity
- CSP to ensure image resources are only loaded from trusted sources
- More robust server side sessions for syncing user state outside of their current browser session
- Server side rendering to optimise for page load speed and completeness, this could only work if user sessions were considered (requires extending current webpack build configuration)
- Styles lifted into a modular SCSS build that avoids duplication and repition
Snapshot | Description |
Search for new pokemon against the PokéAPI. | |
Save new pokemon into your favourites on the left. | |
Manage and revisit your favourites. Fun translations API allowing, pokemon will be shown with the Shakespearean translation of their description. |
is implemented as an sync with async ability proof of concept, howeverlocalStorage
has no ability to namespace elements, if the local domain running the server (on the users machine) has entries in local storage they will be picked up by the redux store on initial load