
OpenAgents plugin to get the latest Bitcoin statistics.

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Bitcoin Stats Plugin for OpenAgents

This is a plugin for OpenAgents that gives you the latest statistics about the Bitcoin network, its mempool and the Lightning Network.

It is inspired by Clark Moody's Bitcoin Dashboard and the TimechainCalendar.

The project uses the Extism Framework, in particular its Go PDK, and the REST APIs of mempool.space, bitnodes.io and coincap.io.


Make sure you have both Go and TinyGo.

Clone this repo:

git clone https://github.com/sfr0xyz/openagents-bitcoin-stats.git

Build the plugin with TinyGo:

tinygo build -o btcstats.wasm -target wasi .


Ensure that you have installed the Extism CLI and downloaded the btcstats.wasm file.

You can call the plugin with the Extism CLI:

extism call btcstats.wasm run --input '<YOUR INPUT>' --wasi --allow-host '*'

Replace <YOUR INPUT> with a list of statistics you are interested in.

Available statistics (see detailed descriptions below)

  • market: Bitcoin market data such as current price and market cap
  • latestBlock: Information about the latest block, such as size and total reward
  • mining: Mining data such as current hashrate and difficulty, and difficulty adjustment
  • fees: Recommended feerates based on the current mempool
  • mempool: Mempool statistics such as number of unconfirmed transactions and pending fees
  • lightning: Lightning Network statistics such as total capacity and number of channels
  • nodes: Bitcoin node statistics such as total number of nodes

You can include more than one of the above at once.

If you leave the field empty (''), or include none of the above, all stats will be requested.

With the prefix -, e.g. -nodes, you can exclude stats, i.e. "I want all stats except nodes".

Note: If you request the nodes statistic, it will take a while, a few seconds, for the result to be displayed.


Note: The resulting JSON is prettified here for better readability.

Get all stats:

$ extism call btcstats.wasm run --input '' --wasi --allow-host '*'

  "fees": {
    "fastest": 9,
    "halfHour": 9,
    "hour": 9,
    "economy": 6,
    "minimum": 3
  "latestBlock": {
    "height": 845325,
    "timestamp": "Mon, 27 May 2024 01:34:54 UTC",
    "transactions": 5692,
    "size": 1.55,
    "totalReward": 3.272,
    "totalFees": 0.147,
    "medianFeeRate": 8.1,
    "miner": "MARA Pool"
  "lightning": {
    "totalNodes": 12836,
    "torNodes": 8930,
    "clearnetNodes": 1700,
    "clearnetTorNodes": 1360,
    "unannouncedNodes": 846,
    "channels": 50872,
    "totalCapacity": 4980.822,
    "averageChannelCapacity": 0.098,
    "medianChannelCapacity": 0.02
  "market": {
    "supply": 19699693,
    "supplyPercent": 93.81,
    "price": 69020.61,
    "priceChange24hPercent": -0.32,
    "moscowTime": 1448,
    "marketCap": 1359684729700.71
  "mempool": {
    "unconfirmedTXs": 170669,
    "vSize": 180.66,
    "pendingFees": 5.257,
    "blocksToClear": 181
  "mining": {
    "hashrate": 677612693053317300000,
    "difficulty": 84381461788831.34,
    "retargetDifficultyChangePercent": 13.39,
    "retargetRemainingBlocks": 1395,
    "retargetEstimatedDate": "Tue, 04 Jun 2024 15:07:02 UTC"
  "nodes": {
    "totalNodes": 18037,
    "torNodes": 10942,
    "torNodesPercent": 60.66

Get all stats except nodes:

$ extism call btcstats.wasm run --input '-nodes' --wasi --allow-host '*'

  "fees": {
    "fastest": 9,
    "halfHour": 9,
    "hour": 9,
    "economy": 6,
    "minimum": 3
  "latestBlock": {
    "height": 845325,
    "timestamp": "Mon, 27 May 2024 01:34:54 UTC",
    "transactions": 5692,
    "size": 1.55,
    "totalReward": 3.272,
    "totalFees": 0.147,
    "medianFeeRate": 8.1,
    "miner": "MARA Pool"
  "lightning": {
    "totalNodes": 12836,
    "torNodes": 8930,
    "clearnetNodes": 1700,
    "clearnetTorNodes": 1360,
    "unannouncedNodes": 846,
    "channels": 50872,
    "totalCapacity": 4980.822,
    "averageChannelCapacity": 0.098,
    "medianChannelCapacity": 0.02
  "market": {
    "supply": 19699693,
    "supplyPercent": 93.81,
    "price": 69020.61,
    "priceChange24hPercent": -0.32,
    "moscowTime": 1448,
    "marketCap": 1359684729700.71
  "mempool": {
    "unconfirmedTXs": 170669,
    "vSize": 180.66,
    "pendingFees": 5.257,
    "blocksToClear": 181
  "mining": {
    "hashrate": 677612693053317300000,
    "difficulty": 84381461788831.34,
    "retargetDifficultyChangePercent": 13.39,
    "retargetRemainingBlocks": 1395,
    "retargetEstimatedDate": "Tue, 04 Jun 2024 15:07:02 UTC"

Get latestBlock and mempool stats:

$ extism call btcstats.wasm run --input 'latestBlock mempool' --wasi --allow-host '*'

  "latestBlock": {
    "height": 845325,
    "timestamp": "Mon, 27 May 2024 01:34:54 UTC",
    "transactions": 5692,
    "size": 1.55,
    "totalReward": 3.272,
    "totalFees": 0.147,
    "medianFeeRate": 8.1,
    "miner": "MARA Pool"
  "mempool": {
    "unconfirmedTXs": 170669,
    "vSize": 180.66,
    "pendingFees": 5.257,
    "blocksToClear": 181

Description of the values

  • market: Bitcoin market data
    • price: current US Dollar price for 1 bitcoin
    • priceChange24hPercent: US Dollar price change withng the last 24 hour in percent
    • moscowTime: current Moscow time, i.e. sats/USD
    • supply: current amount of available bitcoin
    • supplyPercent: percentage of current supply from the maximum of 21'000'000 bitcoin
    • marketCap: current market capitalisation (price x supply)
  • latestBlock: Information about the latest block
    • height: block height
    • timestamp: the block's timestamp (format: ddd, DD MMM YYYY HH:mm:ssZ)
    • transactions: number of transactions in the block
    • size: block size in MB
    • reward: total block reward, i.e. subsidy + total fees, in BTC
    • totalFees: total amount of fees from the transactions in BTC
    • medianFeeRate: median fee rate paid by the included transactions in sats/vB
    • miner: name of the miner's mining pool
  • mining: Mining data
    • hashrate: current hashrate
    • difficulty: current difficulty
    • retargetDifficultyChangePercent: difficulty change at the next difficulty adjustment in percent
    • retargetRemainingBlocks: remaining blocks until difficulty adjustment
    • retargetEstimatedDate: estimated date of the difficulty adjustment (format: ddd, DD MMM YYYY HH:mm:ssZ)
  • fees: Recommended feerates based on the current mempool
    • fastest: fee rate to get into the next block in sats/vB
    • halfHour: fee rate to get into a block within the next 30min in sats/vB
    • hour: fee rate to get into a block within the next 1 hour in sats/vB
    • economy: no priority fee rate on sats/vB
    • minimum: minimum fee rate to not be purged from the mempool
  • mempool: Mempool statistics
    • unconfirmedTXs: current number of transactions in the mempool
    • vSize: virtual size of all transaction in the mempool
    • pendingFees: total amount of fees from the transaction in the mempool in BTC
    • blocksToClear: estimated number of blocks until all transaction in the mempool are included in a block
  • lightning: Lightning Network statistics
    • totalNodes: total number of Lightning nodes
    • torNodes: number Lightning nodes running behind TOR
    • clearnetNodes: number of Lightning nodes running on clearnet
    • clearnetTorNodes: number of Lightning nodes that run on clearnet and behind TOR
    • unannouncedNodes: number of unannounced Lightning nodes
    • channels: number of announced Lightning channels
    • totalCapacity: total amount of (visible) BTC in Lightning channels
    • averageChannelCapacity: average amount of BTC per channel
    • medianChannelCapacity: median amount of BTC per channel
  • nodes: Bitcoin node statistics
    • totalNodes: total number of Bitcoin nodes
    • torNodes: number of Bitcoin nodes behind TOR
    • torNodesPercent: percentage of nodes behind TOR from the total number