
Matlab PAMGuard file interface

Primary LanguageMATLABGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


PAMGuard binary files contains detections such as clicks, whistle contours, deep learning detections, noise, long term spectral averages etc. Binary files provide an efficient and very fast data management system but are not human readable. The PAMGuard-MATLAB library is a set of functions that allows the importing of PAMGuard binary files directly into MATLAB.


PAMGuard-MATLAB needs to be downloaded from here (or via a git client e.g. the integrated one in MATLAB) and added to you MATLAB path


The core function of this library is loadPamguardBinaryFile. This loads any PAMGuard binary file, automtically figures out what type of data it contains and then imports the data into a struct with relevent field names. Usage is straightforward, simply point the function to the correct file.

binaryfile= './Files/SomeBinaryFile.pgdf'
[binarydata, fileinfo]= loadPamguardBinaryFile(myBinaryFile)

fileinfo contains information about the binary file e.g. when it was created, what version of PAMGuard was used to process the data. binarydata is a struct with relevent field names. Some of these filed names are consistant across different types of detections e.g. millis, date, UID and others are uniquwe to the particular detection.

An example of the fields from a click detection are:

millis: the start time of the click in milliseconds; this number can be converted to a date/time with millisecond accuracy.

date: the start time of the click in MATLAB datenum format. Use datastr(date) to show a time string.

UID:  a unique serial number for the detection. Within a processed dataset no other detection will have this number.

startSample: The first sample of this click- often used for finer scale time delay measurements. Samples refers to the number of samples in total the sound card has taken since processing begun.

channelMap: The channel map for this click. One number which represents which channels this click detection is from: To get the true channels use the getChannels(channelMap) function.

triggerMap: which channel triggered the detection.

type: Classification type. Must use database or settings to see what species this refers to.

duration: Duration of this click detection in samples.

nChan: Number of channels the detection was made on.

wave: Waveform data for each channel.

There are a few additional options for loadPamguardBinaryFile.

Time ranges to load can be defined.

timerange = [datenum('2020-03-19 20:00:00', 'yyyy-mm-dd HH:MM:SS'),...
 datenum('2020-03-19 21:00:00', 'yyyy-mm-dd HH:MM:SS')];
[binarydata, fileinfo]= loadPamguardBinaryFile(myBinaryFile, 'timerange', timerange)

UID's are unique serial numbers for each detection. They are sequential and users can define values to load via.

uids = 3456:8679;
[binarydata, fileinfo]= loadPamguardBinaryFile(myBinaryFile, 'uidlist', uids)

Some files can have multiple channel groups. Each channel group can contain one or more channels of data. To load detections with a specific channel map use.

channel = 3; %channel map
[binarydata, fileinfo]= loadPamguardBinaryFile(myBinaryFile, 'channel', channel)

If you don't know the bitmap then you can create it using a list of channels via

function [channelMap] = makeChannelList(channels)
%MAKECHANNELLIST Make a channel bitmap from list. 
%   [CHANNELMAP] = MAKECHANNELLIST(CHANNELS) makes a channel bitmap from a
%   list of channels. Noted channel numbers are from zero, not one. 

for i=1:length(channels)
    channelMap = channelMap +  bitsll(1,channels(i));

Finally, there is an option to define a custom filter for data using

myfilter = @myfilterfunction;

[binarydata, fileinfo]= loadPamguardBinaryFile(myBinaryFile, 'filter', myfilter);

function [passed] = myfilterfunction(dataunit)
    if (length(dataunit.wave)>100)
        passed =true;

Load a folder of data

There is a convenience function to load a folder of binary files. Folders contain a mix of data from different detections in PAMGuard and so the load folder function requires a filemask input to define which type of data to import. Below shows an example to load a folder of whistle contours.

binaryfolder= './Files/SomeBinaryFolder'
whistles = loadPAMGuardBinaryFolder(binaryfolder,filemask);

To load different types of detections change the filemask variable to a filename identifier that is unique to the detection type.


PAMGuard-MATLAB should be compatible with Pamguard v2.00.15 and earlier.