
agate documentation

Opened this issue · 3 comments

  • Check out what Taiki did for PAMpal
  • Decide quarto or vs rmd vs md - QUARTO
  • Created index page
  • set up and tested github action
  • Build outline of pages
  • Populate pages...
    • Finalize plots page
    • workflow pages
      • download script
      • survey planning track
      • piloting
      • process positional data
      • process acoustic data
    • detailed configuration page
    • make kml (add to survey planning page)
  • #41
  • Add WISPR conversion config to config guide and add WISPR conversion instructions to conversion page (after completing #40 )
  • #47
  • #58
  • Add link to agate_test_data folder to repo's readme
  • Make bold or better highlight on each page where it references what is REQUIRED in the configuration file for that page
  • #65
  • #66


  • Home - has background, disclaimer, dependencies
  • Get Started - download instructions, info on configuration files, basic download and extract params workflow
  • Plots - examples and descriptions of different plotting functions
  • Workflows - descriptions and links to each example workflow

Started transition to Quarto - lots of issues with github action for rendering...but working on it.

Ah! Got it to work. Issue was not with the folder structure with the .Rproj (having the documentation in a docs folder) but with having the github action apply to the root vs the docs folder!

Plots page started, needs to be filled in with screenshots, descriptions

Rather than a single workflow page - created individual pages for each workflow, and added those as checklist items to top section