
Ansible role to manage elasticsearch


A role to manage elasticsearch.


No external dependencies.

Role Variables

For details on configuring Elasticsearch, refer to their documentation.

  • elasticsearch_major_version: Version number of elasticsearch to deploy. Defaults to 5.x.
  • elasticsearch_user: User elasticsearch runs as. Defaults to elasticsearch.
  • elasticsearch_nofile: Number of files elasticsearch user can open. Defaults to 32000.
  • elasticsearch_cluster_name: The cluster name. Defaults to an empty string.
  • elasticsearch_node_name: The node name. Defaults to the node's FQDN.
  • elasticsearch_is_node_master: Whether to allow this node to be eligible as master. Defaults to yes.
  • elasticsearch_is_node_data: Whether to allow this node to store data. Defaults to yes.
  • elasticsearch_index_number_of_shards: Number of shards of an index. Defaults to 5.
  • elasticsearch_index_number_of_shards: Number of replicas of an index. Defaults to 1.
  • elasticsearch_bootstrap_mlockall: Whether to lock JVM memory. Defaults to yes.
  • elasticsearch_network_host: The IP address to use for bind and publish. Defaults to Ansible's fact ansible_default_ipv4.address.
  • elasticsearch_http_host: The IP address to use for elasticsearch APIs over HTTP for bind and publish. Defaults to Ansible's fact ansible_default_ipv4.address.
  • elasticsearch_minimum_master_nodes: The minimum number of master nodes. Defaults to 1. On clusters with more than 2 nodes, this should be higher than 1.
  • elasticsearch_plugin_mandatory: The mandatory plugins for Elasticsearch. Defaults to paramedic,head.
  • elasticsearch_plugins: A list of dictionaries that describe plugins to install. The keys are the name and path. The default is:
  - { name: 'paramedic', path: 'karmi/elasticsearch-paramedic' }
  - { name: 'head',      path: 'mobz/elasticsearch-head'       }
  • elasticsearch_path_conf: The configuration directory for Elasticsearch. Defaults to /etc/elasticsearch.
  • elasticsearch_path_data: The directory to store index data. Defaults to /var/lib/elasticsearch.
  • elasticsearch_path_work: The path to temporary files. Defaults to /tmp/elasticsearch.
  • elasticsearch_path_logs: The path to log files. Defaults to /var/log/elasticsearch.
  • elasticsearch_path_home: The path to where Elasticsearch binaries are installed. Defaults to /usr/share/elasticsearch.
  • elasticsearch_path_plugins: The path where plugins are installed. Defaults to /usr/share/elasticsearch/plugins.
  • elasticsearch_java_opts: Options to pass to JVM. Defaults to empty string.
  • elasticsearch_java_heap_size: Size of JVM heap size. Defaults to 40% of total host memory.


No dependency on other roles.

Example Playbook

A trivial example:

- hosts: servers
     - { role: sfromm.elasticsearch }



Author Information

See https://github.com/sfromm