
Ansible role to manage MariaDB.


The only external dependency is the python bindings for mysql, which this role will install.

Role Variables

When configuring MariaDB, you are encouraged to review the MariaDB documentation and the recommendations for [configuring MariaDB for optimal performance](].

  • mariadb_owner: The system user account that will own files in the data directory.
  • mariadb_conf_path: Path to where the main configuration file is located. Defaults to /etc/my.cnf.
  • mariadb_conf_include_dir: Path to directory where configuration files will be included. Defaults to /etc/my.cnf.d.
  • mariadb_root_username: The MariaDB root user account name. Defaults to root.
  • mariadb_root_password: The MariaDB root user account password. Defaults to root.
  • mariadb_root_home: The home directory where the system user .my.cnf will be stored. Defaults to /root.
  • mariadb_do_backup: Whether to deploy a script to perform database backups. Defaults to no.
  • mariadb_backup_dir: Path to where backups should be kept.

The following variables control configuration of the daemon. Refer to the MariaDB documentation server system variables.

  • mariadb_port: The port to listen on; defaults to 3306.
  • mariadb_bind_address: The address to bind to; defaults to
  • mariadb_datadir: The data directory for MariaDB; defaults to /var/lib/mysql.
  • mariadb_pid_file: Path to where the PID file is stored; defaults to /var/run/mariadb/
  • mariadb_socket: Path to the mysqld socket; defaults to /var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock.
  • mariadb_log_error: Path to file for error logging; defaults to /var/log/mariadb/mariadb.log.
  • mariadb_max_connections: Maximum number of allowed connections; defaults to 151.

The following controls InnoDB specific settings. Refer to the documentation for what the variable does. This will document the defaults.

  • mariadb_innodb_file_per_table: Defaults to 1.
  • mariadb_innodb_buffer_pool_size: Defaults to 512M. Can be set up to 80% of the total memory.
  • mariadb_innodb_additional_mem_pool_size: Defaults to 20M.
  • mariadb_innodb_log_file_size: Default is 64M.
  • mariadb_innodb_log_buffer_size: Default is 8M.
  • mariadb_innodb_flush_log_at_trx_commit: Default is 1.
  • mariadb_innodb_lock_wait_timeout: Default is 50.

You can define what databases and database users to create using mariadb_databases and mariadb_users.

  • mariadb_databases: A list of databases to manage. Each item in the list may define the keys name (name of the database), encoding (language encoding, defaults to utf8), collation (defaults to utf8_general_ci), and state (defaults to present). It is typically only necessary to define the name. Example:
  - name: example
  • mariadb_users: A list of users to manage. Each item in the list may define the keys name (name of the database user), host (defaults to localhost), password (password for the user account), priv (privileges to grant user on the database), and state (defaults to present). Example:
  - name: icarus
    password: poor-password
    priv: "example.*:ALL"

The following controls replication. Refer to the MariaDB documentation for how to set up replication between servers.

  • mariadb_server_id: The MariaDB server ID. Defaults to 1.
  • mariadb_replication_user: Same structure as mariadb_user. Used specifically for replication.
  • mariadb_replication_role: The replication role of the server in question. Can be master or slave.
  • mariadb_replication_master: The replication master.


No dependency on other roles.

Example Playbook

A trivial example:

- hosts: servers
    - { role: sfromm.mariadb }

Use to deploy backup script

By setting mariadb_do_backup to true, and all the mariadb_*_backup variables or let them to default,

you can deploy only backup script by playing the role with the tag "backup"

A trivial example:

- hosts: servers
    - { role: sfromm.mariadb }
  tags: backup

Will only deploy backup script and crontab



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