
Ansible role to manage omdistro and check_mk

Primary LanguagePython

omdistro and check_mk

This role is no longer maintained. It is left here for posterity's sake.

Ansible role to manage omdistro and check_mk.

For more information on OMD, Check_MK, and Nagios, please refer to the following:

You are encouraged to use the Check_MK Event Console. This is particularly helpful for receiving events via SNMP traps and syslog. Refer to Setting up the Event Console. This requires omdistro-1.21 at minimum.


There are no external dependencies.

Role Variables

Because there are several moving parts to configuring a NMS solution, there are a number of variables to control the behavior of OMD and Check_MK.

  • omdistro_use_inventory: Whether to use Ansible inventory when populating list of devices to monitor.
  • omdistro_use_ssl: Whether to force SSL when connecting to the frontend via Apache. Will copy a simple Apache configuration to redirect non-SSL connections to SSL. Defaults to no, but you are encouraged to set to yes.
  • omdistro_notification_logging: Instruct Check_MK to log notifications. See Check_MK documentation. Defaults to 1 (ie. yes).
  • omdistro_snmp_default_community: Default SNMP community string to use.
  • omdistro_no_snmpbulk_tag: Default is nobulk. When this tag is associated with a host, Check_MK will not use snmpbulk queries.
  • omdistro_snmp_check_interval: A list of rules that define the check interval of SNMP based checks. An example would be: ('if', 5), ["core"], ALL_HOSTS. This would perform if checks every 5 minutes for devices tagged core. This defaults to an emtpy list. For further infomration on this parameter, refer to the Check_MK documentation.
  • omdistro_snmp_communities: A list of lists that defines SNMP community strings for devices not using the default SNMP community string. An example: - [ "muc-secret", "munich" ]. For further information on this paramter, refer to the Check_MK documentation.
  • omdistro_checkgroup_parameters: Define parameters for specific checks and checkgroups. The default is:
    - "{'unit' : 'bit' }, [], ALL_HOSTS, ALL_SERVICES, {'comment': u'Show bits instead of bytes'}"
  • omdistro_scan_parents: Whether to scan devices to determine parent/child relationships. Default is no.
  • omdistro_site: The omdistro site name. Defaults to local.
  • omdistro_site_config: A list of dictionaries that configures the OMD site. The best way to look up configuration options is to run omd config <sitename> show. The default is:
    - { name: MULTISITE_COOKIE_AUTH, value: "on" }
    - { name: PNP4NAGIOS,            value: "on" }
    - { name: MKEVENTD,              value: "on" }
  • omdistro_thruk_conf: A list of dictionaries that configures Thruk. Each dictionary has the keys name and value for the configuration parameter name and value respectively.
  • omdistro_contacts: A list of dictionaries that describe contact and user entries for Check_MK. Each entry should at minimum define:
    • alias: The contact's full name.
    • contactgroups: A list of /contactgroups/ the user is associated with.
    • email: The email address of the contact.
    • name: The username of the contact.
  • omdistro_contactgroups: A list of contactgroups.
  • omdistro_hostgroups: A list of hostgroups a host can be a member of. These are a subset of the tags you would apply to a host.
  • omdistro_servicegroups: A list of servicegroups a service can be a member of.
  • omdistro_iftypes: A list of /ifTypes/ that Check_MK will use for discovery of inventory. You must use the /ifType/ integer.
  • omdistro_if_inventory_uses_description: Whether to use the interface description for inventory purposes. Defaults to no. For further information, refer to if64 manual page.
  • omdistro_if_inventory_uses_alias: Whether to use the interface alias for inventory purposes. Defaults to no. For further information, refer to if64 manual page. If this and omdistro_if_inventory_uses_description are set to yes, omdistro_if_inventory_uses_description is preferred.
  • omdistro_ignored_checktypes: A list of checks to ignore during the inventory process.
  • omdistro_ignored_services: A dictionary of services to ignore. The key is a tag associated with a host. The value is a service-name description.
  • omdistro_inventory_check: A dictionary with two valid keys:
    • interval: How often to perform an inventory check. The value is in minutes. The default is 1440 (one day).
    • severity: The severity level when new services are discovered. The default is 1, a warning.

For more information regarding netmon, please see: netmon.org. Extensions to netmon are the following:

  • parent: The name of the parent device. The parent MUST also be listed in the monitored devices. The parent can be defined as a string or as a list. Here are two examples:
- name: dc1-gw.example.net
  groups: [ core, dc ]
- name: dc2-gw.example.net
  groups: [ core, dc ]
- name: node-gw.example.net
  groups: [ core, dc ]
- name: node1.example.net
  groups: [ noc ]
      parent:  node-gw.example.net
- name: node2.example.net
  groups: [ noc ]
        - dc1-gw.example.net
        - dc2-gw.example.net


There are no dependencies on other roles.


Instead of creating a single /main.mk/ file to configure and manage Check_MK, this roles creates several files:

  • etc/check_mk/main.mk: Defines 'general' configuration pieces, such as custom_checks, checkgroup_parameters, ignored_services, and so on.
  • etc/check_mk/conf.d/hosts.mk: Defines hosts to discover, the tags associated with each host, and parent/child relationships if omdistro_scan_parents is no.
  • etc/check_mk/conf.d/groups.mk: Defines hostgroups, servicegroups, and contactgroups.
  • etc/check_mk/conf.d/wato/contacts.mk: Defines contacts to associate with hosts and services. This is only created if the file does not exist. This allows further adjustment via the WATO interface.
  • etc/check_mk/multisite.d/wato/users.mk: Defines users allowed to log in to Multisite, the web interface, and the level of access to grant. Similar to contacts.mk, this only creates the file if it does not already exist.

Example Playbook

A brief example:

    - hosts: servers
         - {
              role: sfromm.omdistro,
              omdistro_version: 1.20
              omdistro_site: local



Author Information

See https://github.com/sfromm