Manifest File manifest.json: -contain all meta data about the extention. Contain JSON code

HTML Files: popup.html and option html: define the layout and structure of the extensin

CSS files: popus.css and options.css : styling the HTML Content.

JS Files: background.js: manage background tasks like blocking website popup.js: control the behavior of popup, such as toggling the ocus mode on of

// Background scripts are the place to put code that needs to maintain a long-term state or perform long-term operations independently of the lifetime of any particular web pages or browser windows.

// Features:

  1. Be able to add websites to be blocked.
  • should give an alert if you try to visit said website and block it
  1. Timer.
  • any time you visit a blocked website your focus timer resets
  • if you avoid the websites for the whole timer you win!
  1. Establish points for time spent focused.

  2. Make leaderboard