• Configure the Spring Cloud Config Server with an application.properties or application.yml in batch-job/src/main/resources with the following properties configured:
    • spring.datasource.driverClassName
    • spring.datasource.url
    • spring.datasource.username
    • spring.datasource.password
    • spring.datasource.schema - this should point to the schema-mysql.sql in the same directory
    • job.resource-path - this should be the S3 bucket
    • cloud.aws.credentials.accessKey
    • cloud.aws.credentials.secretKey
    • cloud.aws.region.static - the region the S3 bucket exists in
    • cloud.aws.region.auto - this should be false unless you are running this on AWS
  • Launch the Config server & eureka via spring cloud configserver eureka
  • Build the project from the root via ./mvnw clean install
  • Launch Skipper via:
java -jar bin/spring-cloud-skipper-server-2.0.0.RELEASE.jar \
    --spring.datasource.url=jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/cloud_native_batch \
    --spring.datasource.username=root \
    --spring.datasource.password=p@ssw0rd \
  • Launch Spring Cloud Data Flow (SCDF) via:
java -jar bin/spring-cloud-dataflow-server-2.0.1.RELEASE.jar \
    --spring.datasource.url=jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/cloud_native_batch \
    --spring.datasource.username=root \
    --spring.datasource.password=p@ssw0rd \
  • Launch Spring Cloud Data Flow Shell via java -jar bin/spring-cloud-dataflow-shell-2.0.1.RELEASE.jar
  • Register the app with SCDF in the shell via app register --name S3JDBC --type task --uri "maven://io.spring.cloud-native-batch:batch-job:0.0.1-SNAPSHOT"
  • Launch the UI from http://localhost:9393/dashboard
  • Launch the task via the UI
  • Verify results via the query select * from cloud_native_batch.foo; assuming your schema is called cloud_native_batch