fix up metaqueries script
oschulte opened this issue · 0 comments
oschulte commented
Make logic clearer, use propagation more cleanly. Almost everything is union of clauses from lower in the hierarchy. Make sure we use counts table without rnode so it's easy to connect with start table.
change setup.sql to include foreign key pointers
change setup.sql to generate a pcolumnid (e.g. id(course0)). (may be unnecessary)
change transfer script to include rnodes for each 2node.
make independent table for finding key column of pvariable (rather than use RnodesPvars)
make single table for each metaquery (e.g. pvid/rnid, Clause_Type, Entries). For various reasons, store meta-information:
+ Lattice_Point (e.g. prof0, rchain). + clause_type (e.g. where) + table_type (e.g. star) + entry tupe (e.g. 1node, aggregate).
+ Support FunctorSets in a different way.
+ Make flat tables by finding one nodes rather than by making a separate ADT_RNodes_1Nodes table.
- make single table for Relationship chain types (Counts, Star, False). propagate from the previous table.
+ 2Nodes do not occur in Star tables
+ Different chain types require different table prefixes and different aggregate selections - add metaquery script for flat tables in Rchain
- rewrite CTGenerator to work with ClauseTypes rather than separate tables
- add groundings table to setup, add to where clause for pvariables
- execute model manager script after ct learning in RunBB
- test running metaqueries script for link correlation = 1
- rename "metaqueries" to MoebiusJoin