
Primary LanguageJavaScript

This repository is archived

The code in the repository is no longer in production at Simon Fraser University and is condiered archived. The functionality provided has been replaced by seperate LTI repositories:

Course Outlines Roster Photos

The Library Reserves LTI was replaced by a vendor solution managed by the SFU Library.


An extensible, general-purpose web server for serving LTI apps for SFU Canvas.

Current LTI Apps

  • libraryReserves: displays the items on reserve at the SFU Library for a given Canvas course
  • courseDescription: allows a user to embed the official SFU Academic Calendar course description in a page by clicking a button in the rich text editor.

Adding Apps

To add an app, simply create a new folder in ./components. Put your app logic (routes, etc) in ./components/[YOUR_APP]/index.js. You can create a public folder to hold your static assets; this will become automatically available at http://SERVER/YOUR_APP/{javascripts,stylesheets,images,etc}/FILENAME. Create a views folder for your views. In order to render views, you must explicitly tell res.render() where to find them: res.render(path.join(__dirname, 'views/index')).

Look at components/libraryReserves or components/courseDescription for examples. There are probably better ways to do this, but it works.


To deploy to your localhost for development, NODE_ENV=development node app. For convenience, you may want to create a configuration-dev.xml file for your LTI app so you don't have to keep modifying your production one to point to your workstation. Note that configuration-dev.xml is in .gitignore.

To deploy to staging or production, use Bamboo.