
Zabbix Template for monitoring and collecting Microsoft SQL Server statistics.

Primary LanguagePowerShellGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

Update - 2019-05-28

Moved to another company with no Zabbix and/or MS Sql in its environment, hence archiving the repo.


-Add port number.

-Test with MS SQL 2017 on Windows and Linux.


Zabbix Template for monitoring and collecting Microsoft SQL Server statistics. Most requests are done via Windows performance counters (perf_counter), some via PowerShell and, optionaly, via ODBC.

CPU/Memory Load Server Memory Statistics

System requirements

  • Optional, ODBC driver installed and configured on Zabbix Server (see below).


  • State of MS SQL services
  • Multiple instances on one server
  • Global Server Statistics (70 items in total):
    • Memory
    • Cache
    • Buffer Manager
    • Access Methods
    • Locks
    • Errors and Failed Jobs
    • Log Size
  • Database discovery via Powershell (Zabbix Agent) or ODBC directly
  • Statistics for discovered DB's (per DB):
    • State
    • Trasactions
    • Log File size, utilization, flushes, growths, shrinks, etc.
  • 18 graphs
  • Version information
  • {$ODBC}, {$MSSQL_USER} and {$MSSQL_PASSWORD} macros for customization
  • Tested on MS SQL 2008, 2012, 2014 & 2016.


Zabbix Configuration

  • Copy userparameter_mssql.conf to your Zabbix Agent folder, e.g. C:\srv\ZabbixAgent\conf\conf.d.

  • Copy PowerShell scripts (mssql_*.ps1) to the scripts folder, e.g. C:\srv\ZabbixAgent\scripts folder. IMPORTANT: if you use another folder for agent scripts, then update userparameter file in the previous step!

  • Import XML template file (zbx_template_mssql.xml) into Zabbix via Web GUI (Configuration -> Templates -> Import). Optional, if you want to use ODBC for discovering databases, then update XML file before importing, as all item prototypes are under a discovery rule that utilizes PowerShell via Zabbix Agent. Discovery Rule

  • Configure regular expression in "Administration -> General -> Regular Expressions (dropdown on the right)":

Name: MS SQL Databases for discovery
Expression: ^(master|model|msdb|ReportServer|ReportServerTempDB|tempdb)$
Type: Result is FALSE
  • Import "MS SQL Server database state" value mapping (zbx_valuemaps_mssql.xml) in "Administration -> General -> Value mapping (dropdown on the right)". Or add it manually:
 0 -> ONLINE
 7 -> Database Does Not Exist on Server
  • Assign the imported template to a host.

  • Optional, if using ODBC, follow instructions below.

  • Restart Zabbix Agent and enjoy... or, actually, good luck in tuning MS SQL ;)

ODBC Configuration

  • In MS SQL, create a read-only user for accessing master DB, e.g. zbx-maint.

  • On Zabbix Server, install required packages. The following works for Debian 8 (jessie) and 9 (stretch): apt-get install odbcinst tdsodbc unixodbc

  • Create ODBC driver configuration file:

sudo vi /etc/odbc.ini
Driver = FreeTDS
Server = <SQL Server FQDN or IP>
PORT = 1433
TDS_Version = 8.0
  • Update macros for the monitored host under "Configuration -> Hosts -> hostname -> Macros":
{$MSSQL_PASSWORD} - <your generated pass>
{$MSSQL_USER}	  - zbx-maint
{$ODBC}		  - srv01-mssql

Host Macros


Check ODBC settings and credentials from console on Zabbix Server:

> isql -v srv01-mssql zbx-maint <password>
| Connected!                            |
|                                       |
| sql-statement                         |
| help [tablename]                      |
| quit                                  |
|                                       |