

Note: loadbalanceroperator is currently under active (and early) development and is likely to change quite frequently.


The purpose of the load-balancer-operator is to manage the load balancer lifecycle based upon requests that are sent to the Load Balancer API. By subscribing to the various events that are created by the API, the operator can then take the appropriate CUD action on a load balancer and ensure that is deployed to a specified Kubernetes cluster.


flowchart LR
    A[LoadBalancer API] -->| Creates Message | B(Message Broker)
    B --> | Is Read By | C(LoadBalancer Operator)
    C <--> | LB Lookup From | A
    C --> | Message Is | D{Create + Is LB}
    C --> | Message Is | E{Update + Is Any}
    C --> | Message Is | F{Delete + Is LB}
    D --> | Deploys LB To | G
    E --> | Updates LB In |G
    F --> | Deletes LB From |G
    G[Kube Cluster]


We recommend using the supported devcontainer provided in this repository, other local setups are not supported (and your milage may vary). It is already configured with all of the appropriate toolings. The provided development environment will spin up the additional tooling you required including:

  • nats configured with necessary queues
  • preconfigured required environment variables
  • necessary haproxy chart
  • kind kubernetes cluster