
Karoryfer Samples open source instrument Bear Sax

Creative Commons Zero v1.0 UniversalCC0-1.0

Bear Sax is a sample library for Plogue Sforzando version 1.845 or newer. It contains samples of a 1926 Conn baritone saxophone.

This instrument is open source, and you can do whatever you want with it; however, the XML bank contains a digital signature, and editing the XML bank will break the ability of Plogue Sforzando to load the instrument with the GUI.

To register the Sforzando bank, drag the Bear_Sax.bank.xml file onto the Sforzando interface. Once registered, the instrument will be available in the Sforzando loading menu and the GUI will work.

The duo mappings simulate a second one by using transposed samples. The solo instruments have five keyswitchable articulations - sustain, marcato, staccato, subtone and growl. The duo instruments have the first three. Dynamics for sustained notes and breath noise are controlled by MIDI CC 1, dynamics for staccato notes, fingering noises for the solo instruments, and the starts of marcato notes by velocity. Dynamics for the Bearcussion and Bearborg are always controlled by velocity.

Royalty-free for all commercial and non-commercial use. Copyright 2017 Karoryfer Lecolds.