
Karoryfer Samples open source instrument Gogodze Phu Vol I

Creative Commons Zero v1.0 UniversalCC0-1.0

Gogodze Phu Vol I is a sample library for Plogue Sforzando version 1.933 or newer. It contains samples of five bobobo drums from Ghana, and a cajon recorded in Poland.

This instrument is open source, and you can do whatever you want with it; however, the XML bank contains a digital signature, and editing the XML bank will break the ability of Plogue Sforzando to load the instrument with the GUI.

To register the Sforzando bank, drag the Gogodze Phu Vol I.bank.xml file onto the Sforzando interface. Once registered, the instrument will be available in the Sforzando loading menu and the GUI will work.

The bobobo drums have one articulation recorded for the bass drum, and two articulations for the others. The volume and pan controls are obvious in their function. The tune controls have a one-octave range both down and up. The mute controls simulate muting using a sample offset. Finally, the tune spread control tunes the lower drums slightly down and higher drums slightly up.

The cajon is sampled with regular hits in five strike locations, plus two types of side hits, two strike locations with the snare removed (for a conga-like sound) and finally finger rolls. The finger rolls work not by hitting the key, but by holding it down for as long as the roll should last, and they have a dynamics control which affects volume, plus a location control which crossfades between finger rolls near the center and near the top.

Royalty-free for all commercial and non-commercial use. Copyright 2018 Karoryfer Lecolds.