List of papers to read about stats in neuro
Title | Authors | Journal |
An Introduction to the Bootstrap | Efron & TIBSHIRANI | book |
Application of the hierarchical bootstrap to multi-level data in neuroscience | Saravanan, Berman & Sober | arXiv |
A solution to dependency: using multilevel analysis to accommodate nested data | Aarts...van der Sluis | Nat. Neuro. |
A practical solution to pseudoreplication bias in single-cell studies | Zimmerman, Espeland & Langefeld | Nat.Comm. |
Ten common statistical mistakes to watch out for when writing or reviewing a manuscript | Makin & de Xivry | eLife |
Erroneous analyses of interactions in neuroscience: a problem of significance | Nieuwenhuis, Forstmann & Wagenmakers. | Nat. Neuro. |