* / /\ *--*--**--* * \/\__* || /\ \ || *__* * **--* ***** About ***** `tric` is a distributed-memory triangle counting code that assumes a 1-D vertex-based distribution of a graph. The concept is quite simple, and the main idea is to consider all combinations of consecutive edges and check whether they are triangles. For high-degree graphs, this design can result in significant memory increase. Papers: [1] Ghosh S. Improved Distributed-memory Triangle Counting by Exploiting the Graph Structure. In 2022 IEEE High Performance Extreme Computing Conference (HPEC) 2022 Sep 19 (pp. 1-6). IEEE. [2] Ghosh S, Halappanavar M. TriC: Distributed-memory Triangle Counting by Exploiting the Graph Structure. In 2020 IEEE High Performance Extreme Computing Conference (HPEC) 2020 Sep 22 (pp. 1-6). IEEE. Please contact the following for any queries or support: Sayan Ghosh, PNNL (sg0 at pnnl dot gov) Please '*' this repository if you find it useful. ******* Compile ******* tric is a C++ header-only library and requires an MPI implementation. It uses MPI Send/Recv and collectives, and may also use derived-types based on the version used. Please update the Makefile with compiler flags and use a C++11 compliant compiler of your choice. Invoke `make clean; make` after setting paths to MPI for generating the binary. Use `mpirun` or `mpiexec` or `srun` to execute the code with specific runtime arguments mentioned in the next section. Pass -DPRINT_DIST_STATS while building for printing distributed graph characteristics. ***************** Execution options ***************** E.g.: mpiexec -n 2 bin/./tric -f karate.bin mpiexec -n 2 bin/./neve -n 100 -t 0 mpiexec -n 2 bin/./neve -p 2 -n 100 Possible options (can be combined): 1. -f <bin-file> : Specify input binary file after this argument. 2. -b : Only valid for real-world inputs. Attempts to distribute approximately equal number of edges among processes. Irregular number of vertices owned by a particular process. Increases the distributed graph creation time due to serial overheads, but may improve overall execution time. 3. -n <vertices> : Only valid for synthetically generated inputs. Pass total number of vertices of the generated graph. 4. -l : Use distributed LCG for randomly choosing edges. If this option is not used, we will use C++ random number generator (using std::default_random_engine). 5. -p <percent> : Only valid for synthetically generated inputs. Specify percent of overall edges to be randomly generated between processes. 6. -r <nranks> : This is used to control the number of aggregators in MPI I/O and is meaningful when an input binary graph file is passed with option "-f". naggr := (nranks > 1) ? (nprocs/nranks) : nranks; 7. -s <size> : Buffer size, only relevant when -DAGGR_<> is passed for aggregate-buffered triangle counting. Default buffer size can be set by updating DEFAULT_BUF_SIZE. Please try the default version (no need to pass any macro in the Makefile) or the aggregate-buffered versions, this is a growing codebase and there are versions that are under development. If you want to consider a version which uses conditional computation to avoid double or triple counting, then select -DAGGR_BUFR_INRECV.