
Some Artificial Intelligence projects like, minimax algo, BFS, DFS, etc.

Primary LanguagePython


This repository includes some projects made by me for the upcoming future of Artificial Intelligence. All this projects are made using Python.

Tower of Hanoi - This is a problem involving few pegs(rods), with one of the pegs containig some different sized disks. To solve the problem you have to move all the disks from one peg to another peg without stacking any bigger disk on a smaller one, and moving one disk at a time. The tower of hanoi folder above contains the solution to the tower of hanoi problem using the well known searching algorithms of Artificial Intelligence - the BFS, the DFS, the A* and the AO* algorithm. You just have to copy all the three files in the TOH folder and paste them in your system at one single location. And then, just execute the driver.py file.

Tic Tac Toe - This is a very well known game involving a 3x3 board where the player placing 3 consecutive O's or X's either in the row, column or diagonal wins. I have tried automating the game using python. You can enjoy either the one player or the two player game.

Minimax - Minimax is a game planning technique involving the player maximizing his/her moves while the computer minimizing it using some AI algorithms. And the alpha-beta pruning is a technique applied in the game planning to reduce the number of nodes generated while solving the problem using minimax algorithm.

Chatbot - Chatbot is a computer program that answers your questions using its intelligence. So I have tried making some simple chatbots using different methods which are really helpful to automate your computer systems to some extent and also they are able to talk to you in your loneliness.