
House Price Prediction ML Code with PySpark

Primary LanguagePython


Explanation of the Model built

All python scripts use the configuration.txt file

  1. directory -->> load_csv_to_mongo

    Standalone, independent code to upload the train and test csv files to MongoDB hosted on an AWS machine.

  2. Created a base Pyspark image with all the required dependencies.

    DOCKER BASE IMAGE: gaddamsrikanth24/pyspark-models:latest

  3. Created a docker volume - "house_prices" and using "/usr/src/app/" as the destination directory for persisiting all the data.

  4. Fetch data from MongoDB and write to a csv file on docker volume

    Python Code: load_csv_mongodb.py

    Dockerfile: fetchDataFromDB.dockerfile

    DockerImage: gaddamsrikanth24/pyspark-models:fetch_data

  5. Create a pipeline with all data preprocessing transformations in place and export a pipeline.

    Python Code: data_preprocess_pipeline.py

    Dockerfile: preprocess_pipeline.dockerfile

    DockerImage: gaddamsrikanth24/pyspark-models:preprocess

  6. Load pipeline from last step, apply it on data fetched from DB.

    Python Code: data_preprocess.py

    Dockerfile: data_preprocess.dockerfile

    DockerImage: gaddamsrikanth24/pyspark-models:data_preprocess

  7. Create a feature process pipeline fitted on preprocessed data, and export.

    Python Code: feature_processing_pipeline.py

    Dockerfile: feature_processing.dockerfile

    DockerImage: gaddamsrikanth24/pyspark-models:feature_processing

  8. Load feature modelling and scaling pipeline from last step, apply it on preprocessed data.

    • Here, we are also using GBTRegressor model with hyper-parameters to generate a predicted data CSV file.

    Python Code: feature_process.py

    Dockerfile: feature_model.dockerfile

    DockerImage: gaddamsrikanth24/pyspark-models:feature_model

  9. Evaluate metrics from the CSV file generated in the previous step.

    Python Code: evalMetrics.py

    Dockerfile: eval.dockerfile

    DockerImage: gaddamsrikanth24/pyspark-models:eval_metrics

Docker needs to be run with the volume mounted. For example:

docker run --mount source=house_prices,destination=/usr/src/app gaddamsrikanth24/pyspark-models:eval_metrics