
Primary LanguageJava


Bench4BL is a collection of bug reports and corresponding source code files to fix a bug specified by each bug report to support bug localization research. This collection contains 10,017 bug reports collected from 51 open source projects, and each bug report is mapped with the source code files of the corresponding version. Therefore, this dataset can help researchers and practitioners evaluate bug localization techniques with a large number of subjects.

File structure


  • bootstrap: Scripts for download and unarchive bug repositories
  • scripts: Launch scripts
  • src: Techniques source code
  • techniques: Techniques executables
    • packing.sh: Pack resources for each subject
    • unpacking.sh: Unpack resources for each subject

The scripts folder:

  • repository: Prepare the resources to execute each technique
  • results: Collect the execution results of each technique and export to Excel
  • analysis: Analysis for the result of each technique and features extracted from resources. We applied Mann-Whitney U test, Pearson correlation and so on
  • commons: Managing subjects and common functions
  • utils: Personal libraries for experiments


  • venv: Python 2 virtual environment
  • archives: Downloaded bug repositories
  • data: Unarchived bug repositories
  • depots: Executables
  • expresults: Experiment results



Install the latest version of Arch Linux.

# pacman -S base-devel jre-openjdk-headless python2 python-virtualenv

Download subjects’ archives

Download all subjects from the Subjects table and save them in the cloned repository path. We saved them into the archives directory. To use our scripts, we recommend that each subject stores in the group directory to which it belongs.

$ cd `git rev-parse --show-toplevel`
$ bootstrap/downloads.sh


In scripts/commons/Subjects.py, there are variables that stores a resource PATH information as a string and subject information. To use our scripts, you should change the variables properly. You should use absolute PATH to update the PATH information and use the same subject name with subject Directory name for the subject information.

  • techniques: The list of previous technique names.
  • groups: The list of group names that you want to test.
  • projects: The list of subject names that you want to test. Each subject name should be classified into specific group name.

You should also modify scripts/launcher_Tool.py.


After downloaded, unpack all archives by using the unpacking.sh script. If you don’t need all subjects, you can download some of them.

$ mkdir data
$ bootstrap/unpacking.sh ./archives ./data Apache HIVE

Configure version information

We selected specific versions for each subject and saved into versions.txt. The file is in JSON format and we used a dictionary to save information. Top-level keys mean a subject name corresponding to Subjects.py. The selected versions are also listed in dictionary structure. The key text is version name which means you want to represent it and the value test is tag name written in git repository.

For example, assume that you want to store CODEC Subject’s version information. You prepare JSON code and save it in data/Commons/CODEC/versions.txt. We offer the selected versions in the archieves. If you want to use a version that we selected, it is not necessary to change version information files.


Install Indri

To execute BLUiR and AmaLgam, you need to install Indri. Indri 5.15 can work.

$ mkdir depots
$ cd depots
$ wget https://excellmedia.dl.sourceforge.net/project/lemur/lemur/indri-5.15/indri-5.15.tar.gz
$ tar -xzf indri-5.15.tar.gz
$ cd indri-5.15
$ ./configure --prefix=`pwd`/../install
$ make
$ make install

Generate Settings.txt file:

$ echo indripath=`git rev-parse --show-toplevel`/depots/install/bin/ > `git rev-parse --show-toplevel`/techniques/Settings.txt

Create virtual environment

$ cd `git rev-parse --show-toplevel`
$ virtualenv venv -p `which python2`
$ pip install -r requirements.txt

Build JAR

$ bootstrap/buildjar.sh


Source virtual environment

$ cd `git rev-parse --show-toplevel`
$ . venv/bin/activate

Modify PATH

$ export PATH=$PATH:`pwd`/depots/install/bin

Inflate the source codes

We used multiple versions of source code for the experiment. Since the provided archives have only a git repository, you need to check out repositories according to versions that you selected above. The script launcher_GitInflator.py clones a git repositories and checks it out into the multiple versions which you selected. These source codes are stored into a folder Bench4BL/data/[Group Name]/[Project Name]/sources/ automatically.

$ cd `git rev-parse --show-toplevel`/scripts
$ ./launcher_GitInflator.py

Build bug repositories

We need to build a repository for the bug reports with pre-crawled bug reports. The bug repository is in XML format and includes bug data which is used in the experiments. The launcher_repoMaker.py makes the bug repository that containing entire crawled bug reports information and bug repositories that stores bug reports according to the mapped version. But, since we already offer the result of this step in provided subject’s archives, use this script if you want to update the bug repositories. The launcher_DupRepo.py creates a bug repository file that contains bug information merged duplicate bug reports.

$ ./launcher_repoMaker.py
$ ./launcher_DupRepo.py

Update count information of bug and source codes

The script of Counting.py makes a count information for bug and source code. The result will be stored bugs.txt, sources.txt and answers.txt in each subject’s folder.

$ ./Counting.py

Execute previous techniques

To get the result of each technique, you can use scripts/launcher_Tool.py. The script executes 6 techniques for all subjects.

The script basically works for the multiple versions of bug repository and each of the related source codes. We explain what you need to run the tool first and describe the tool usage.

$ mkdir -p ../techniques/locus_properties
$ python launcher_Tool.py -w Exp1

Usage of launcher_Tool.py:


You need to set the PATHs and JavaOptions in the launcher_Tool.py file.

Open the file, launcher_Tool.py and check the following variables:

  • ProgramPATH: Set the directory path which contains the release files of the IRBL techniques. (ex. u'~/Bench4BL/techniques/')
  • OutputPATH: Set the result path to save output of each technique (ex. u'~/Bench4BL/expresults/')
  • JavaOptions: Set the java command options. (ex. -Xms512m -Xmx4000m)
  • JavaOptions_Locus: Set the java options for Locus. Because Locus need a large memory, we separated the option. (ex. -Xms512m -Xmx8000m)


  • -w <work name> (Required): Set the ID for each experiment, and each ID is also used as a directory name to store the execution results of each Technique. Additionally, if the name starts with "Old", this script works for the previous data, otherwise works for the new data
  • -g <group name>: A specific group. With this option, the script works for the subjects in the specified group
  • -p <subject name>: A specific subject. To use this option, you should specify the group name
  • -t <technique name>: A specific technique. With this option, the script makes results of specified technique
  • -v <version name>: A specific version. With this option, the script works for the specified version of source code
  • -s: Single version mode, With this option, the script works for the only latest source code
  • -m: With this option, the bug repositories created by combining the text of duplicate bug report pairs are used instead of the normal one


$ python launcher_Tool.py -w ExpFirst
$ python launcher_Tool.py -w ExpFirst -s
$ python launcher_Tool.py -w ExpFirst_Locus -t Locus
$ python launcher_Tool.py -w ExpFirst_CAMLE -g Apache -p CAMEL

Subjects (Bug reports and Source Code Repositories)

The following table shows five old subjects that used in previous studies and 46 new subjects that we newly collected.

The subjects are classified into six groups (the five subjects used in previous studies are grouped as "Old subjects").

Each subject consists of bug reports, bug report repositories that we refined, cloned git repository, and metadata of them that we curated. If you need a recent git repository, please clone the repository again by using a link in the "Git Repository" column.

Group Subject Archive Git Repository
Apache CAMEL CAMEL.tar apache/camel
Apache HBASE HBASE.tar apache/hbase
Apache HIVE HIVE.tar apache/hive
Commons CODEC CODEC.tar apache/commons-codec
Commons COLLECTIONS COLLECTIONS.tar apache/commons-collections
Commons COMPRESS COMPRESS.tar apache/commons-compress
Commons CONFIGURATION CONFIGURATION.tar apache/commons-configuration
Commons CRYPTO CRYPTO.tar apache/commons-crypto
Commons CSV CSV.tar apache/commons-csv
Commons IO IO.tar apache/commons-io
Commons LANG LANG.tar apache/commons-lang
Commons MATH MATH.tar apache/commons-math
Commons WEAVER WEAVER.tar apache/commons-weaver
JBoss ENTESB ENTESB.tar jboss-fuse/fuse
JBoss JBMETA JBMETA.tar jboss/metadata
Wildfly ELY ELY.tar wildfly-security/wildfly-elytron
Wildfly SWARM SWARM.tar wildfly-swarm/wildfly-swarm
Wildfly WFARQ WFARQ.tar wildfly/wildfly-arquillian
Wildfly WFCORE WFCORE.tar wildfly/wildfly-core
Wildfly WFLY WFLY.tar wildfly/wildfly
Wildfly WFMP WFMP.tar wildfly/wildfly-maven-plugin
Spring AMQP AMQP.tar spring-projects/spring-amqp
Spring ANDROID ANDROID.tar spring-projects/spring-android
Spring BATCH BATCH.tar spring-projects/spring-batch
Spring BATCHADM BATCHADM.tar spring-projects/spring-batch-admin
Spring DATACMNS DATACMNS.tar spring-projects/spring-data-commons
Spring DATAGRAPH DATAGRAPH.tar spring-projects/spring-data-neo4j
Spring DATAJPA DATAJPA.tar spring-projects/spring-data-jpa
Spring DATAMONGO DATAMONGO.tar spring-projects/spring-data-mongodb
Spring DATAREDIS DATAREDIS.tar spring-projects/spring-data-redis
Spring DATAREST DATAREST.tar spring-projects/spring-data-rest
Spring LDAP LDAP.tar spring-projects/spring-ldap
Spring MOBILE MOBILE.tar spring-projects/spring-mobile
Spring ROO ROO.tar spring-projects/spring-roo
Spring SEC SEC.tar spring-projects/spring-security
Spring SECOAUTH SECOAUTH.tar spring-projects/spring-security-oauth
Spring SGF SGF.tar spring-projects/spring-data-gemfire
Spring SHDP SHDP.tar spring-projects/spring-hadoop
Spring SHL SHL.tar spring-projects/spring-shell
Spring SOCIAL SOCIAL.tar spring-projects/spring-social
Spring SOCIALFB SOCIALFB.tar spring-projects/spring-social-facebook
Spring SOCIALLI SOCIALLI.tar spring-projects/spring-social-linkedin
Spring SOCIALTW SOCIALTW.tar spring-projects/spring-social-twitter
Spring SPR SPR.tar spring-projects/spring-framework
Spring SWF SWF.tar spring-projects/spring-webflow
Spring SWS SWS.tar spring-projects/spring-ws
Previous AspectJ AspectJ.tar eclipse/org.aspectj
Previous JDT JDT.tar eclipse/eclipse.jdt.core
Previous PDE PDE.tar eclipse/eclipse.pde.ui
Previous SWT SWT.tar eclipse/eclipse.platform.swt
Previous ZXing ZXing.tar zxing/zxing


This document describes how to use this dataset and how to reproduce the result of our paper below. Please cite the following paper if you utilize the dataset:

  Author = {Jaekwon Lee and Dongsun Kim and Tegawend\'e F. Bissyand\'e and Woosung Jung and Yves Le Traon},
  Title = {Bench4BL: Reproducibility Study of the Performance of IR-based Bug Localization},
  Booktitle = {Proceedings of the 27th ACM SIGSOFT International Symposium  on  Software Testing and Analysis},
  Series = {ISSTA 2018},
  Year = {2018},
  doi = {10.1145/3213846.3213856},
  pages = {1--12}