
This is a mod for 7 days to die which in the final form will do the following :

  1. Zombie changes
  • 1.a) Very large groups of wandering zombies
  • 1.b) More zombies
  • 1.c) Zombies rely on headshot damage to kill.
  • 1.d) elimination of cute/special/corny zombies
  • 1.e) most zombies have poor eyesight but good hearing and smell
  • 1.f) elimination of GPS zombies and blood moon hordes
  1. game changes
  • 2.a) increased headshot damage for all weapons
  • 2.b) previous craft items which consumed jars now take cans and return cans or do not take cans
  • 2.c) upped damage of hunting rifle to realistically reflect winchester .308-style bolt action rifles (TODO)
  • 2.d) carbine rifle in 9mm
  • 2.e) can add scope to hunting rifle (TODO)
  • 2.f) hunting rifle is a survival rifle and can take multiple types of ammunition
  • 2.g) blunderbuss now has melee attack as secondary instead of zoom
  1. creature changes
  • 3.a) vultures now avoid players, seek out corpses and eat them (WIP)
  • 3.b) dogs are now neutral to players, attack zombies and eat corpses - but are territorial and will attacked if provoked

more to follow