
CSI driver for mounting images

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This is a CSI driver for mounting images as PVs or ephemeral volumes.

Our first aim is resource saving. No redundant image pull and store. No new containers. The driver shares image store with container runtime. It uses CRI to pull images, and mount images via snapshot service of runtime. All requests to mount the same image also share the same snapshot.

What we can do further may be building images via the snapshot capability of CSI. It assures that new created images also exist in the current runtime and can be run immediately, especially those images under developing, just like what Docker does. If Docker is replaced by some others, this driver can offer the same experience to Docker.

Currently, a possible alternate is buildkit. It already has containerd as a backend worker.



Containerd is our recommend container runtime. It is the most compatible runtime to the driver.

kubectl apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/warm-metal/csi-driver-image/master/install/cri-containerd.yaml


As mentioned before, CRI is required to pull images. You can enable it by adding --cri-containerd for docker daemon or --docker-opt="cri-containerd=true" for minikube.

Until Docker supports image sharing with its builtin containerd, We don't encourage this sort of usage. It means that the driver can't use images managed by Docker daemon.

kubectl apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/warm-metal/csi-driver-image/master/install/cri-docker.yaml

Cluster with custom configuration

Some K8s clusters installed with custom configurations, such as cluster installed via microk8s. For these clusters, provided manifests for both docker andcri are also available after modifying some hostpaths.

In the volumes section of the manifest,

  1. Replace /var/lib/kubelet with root-dir of kubelet,
  2. Replace /run/containerd.sock with your containerd socket path.
        - hostPath:
            path: /var/lib/kubelet/plugins/csi-image.warm-metal.tech
            type: DirectoryOrCreate
          name: socket-dir
        - hostPath:
            path: /var/lib/kubelet/pods
            type: DirectoryOrCreate
          name: mountpoint-dir
        - hostPath:
            path: /var/lib/kubelet/plugins_registry
            type: Directory
          name: registration-dir
        - hostPath:
            path: /
            type: Directory
            name: host-rootfs
        - hostPath:
            path: /run/containerd/containerd.sock
            type: Socket
          name: runtime-socket


Provided manifests will install a CSIDriver csi-image.warm-metal.tech and a DaemonSet. You can mount images as either pre-provisioned PVs or ephemeral volumes.

As a ephemeral volume, volumeAttributes are image(required), secret, and pullAlways.

apiVersion: batch/v1
kind: Job
  name: ephemeral-volume
      name: ephemeral-volume
        - name: ephemeral-volume
          image: docker.io/warmmetal/csi-image-test:check-fs
            - name: TARGET
              value: /target
            - mountPath: /target
              name: target
      restartPolicy: Never
        - name: target
            driver: csi-image.warm-metal.tech
              image: "docker.io/warmmetal/csi-image-test:simple-fs"
              # set pullAlways if you want to ignore local images
              # pullAlways: "true"
              # set secret if the image is private
              # secret: "pull image secret name"
  backoffLimit: 0

For a PV, the volumeHandle instead the attribute image, specify the target image.

apiVersion: v1
kind: PersistentVolume
  name: pv-test-csi-image-test-simple-fs
  storageClassName: csi-image.warm-metal.tech
    storage: 5Gi
    - ReadOnlyMany
  persistentVolumeReclaimPolicy: Retain
    driver: csi-image.warm-metal.tech
    volumeHandle: "docker.io/warmmetal/csi-image-test:simple-fs"
    # volumeAttributes:
      # set pullAlways if you want to ignore local images
      # pullAlways: "true"
      # set secret if the image is private
      # secret: "pull image secret name"

See all examples.