
Search plugin for OpenTSDB

Primary LanguageJava


Search plugin for OpenTSDB

Quick notes for getting up and running (Temporarily till I get a build setup):

  • Download the HttpComponents client version 4.2 or later

  • Download https://github.com/mcaprari/httpclient-failover and compile

  • Compile OpenTSDB 2.0 (the "next" branch from Github) to get the jar

  • Compile the ES plugin however you like, be sure to include the manifest in the .jar. The included POM.xml should work

  • Create a plugins directory for your TSD

  • Add "tsd.core.plugin_path = " to your TSD config

  • Add "tsd.search.enable = true" to your TSD config

  • Add "tsd.search.plugin = net.opentsdb.search.ElasticSearch"

  • Add "tsd.search.elasticsearch.hosts = " to the config where host is single host or a semicoln delimited list of hosts.

  • Add a mapping for each JSON file in the ./scripts folder via: (NOTE: It's important to do this BEFORE starting a TSD that would index data as you can't modify the mappings for documents that have already been indexed [afaik])

    curl -X PUT -d @scripts/tsmeta_mapping.json http:///opentsdb/tsmeta/_mapping curl -X PUT -d @scripts/uidmeta_mapping.json http:///opentsdb/uidmeta/_mapping curl -X PUT -d @scripts/annotation_mapping.json http:///opentsdb/annotation/_mapping

  • Optionally add "tsd.core.meta.enable_tracking = true" to your TSD config if it's processing incoming data

  • Turn up the TSD OR...

  • ... if you have existing data, run the "uid metasync" utility from OpenTSDB