User Management API

a RESTful API that allows users to create, retrieve, update, and delete data on a PostgreSQL database.

Getting Started

clone the Repo

git clone

Install packages using:

npm i / npm install
# or
yarn / yarn install

Create postgres db and tests db

  • if you don't have postgres installed, download it here

Create .env file and add variables defined in the .env.example file

  • Replace the values in .env file with you db config e.g database name, db host, db user, db port and db password.

Run the development server using:

npm run dev
# or
yarn dev

To run the tests, run yarn test or npm run test

  • An admin user will be created to allow you interact with protected /users routes

  • Dev server generates swagger documentation for all defined routes and can be accessed at http://localhost:8000/docs

    • to generate swagger documentation separately, run npm run swagger or yarn swagger
  • Open http://localhost:8000 on your postman or API platform of your choice

Test account

Admin user account is created during app initialization.

  • use the following admin user details to login in
    email: admin
    password: admin


  • User Management endpoints (/api/v1/users)

    • user management endpoints are protected routes. One need to provide Bearer token in the authorization headers in order to interact with them

    • Methods

      Check swagger documentation to see the required payload, path and/or query params

      • POST api/v1/users - Creates user
      • GET api/v1/users - Get all users
      • GET api/v1/users/:id - Get user by id
      • PATCH api/v1/users:/id - Update a user
      • DELETE api/v1/users:/id - Deletes a user
  • User login endpoints (/api/v1/auth/login)

    • allow user to login and generate access token to be used when interacting with user management endpoints.

      • POST api/v1/auth/login - Logs in the user and generate access token.
      • use admin user that was created during app initialization - when executing 'yarn dev'

Folder Structure

  • The API uses src directory
  • Endpoints are defined in the src/routes directory


N.B check package.json file to all packages used by the API