
selbal: selection of balances for microbial signatures

Primary LanguageR


selbal is an R package for selection of balances in microbiome compositional data. As described in Rivera-Pinto et al. 2018 Balances: a new perspective for microbiome analysis https://msystems.asm.org/content/3/4/e00053-18, selbal implements a forward-selection method for the identification of two groups of taxa whose relative abundance, or balance, is associated with the response variable of interest.

Getting Started


To get a full access to the functions implemented in selbal we only need to run the following instructions:

# Installing the files in the repository
  # Option 1 (non - Windows users)
    devtools::install_github(repo = "UVic-omics/selbal")
  # Option 2 (for Windows users)
                INSTALL_opt= "--no-multiarch")
# Loading the library

Running selbal

To start using selbal we recomend to: