
MessagePack serializer implementation for Qt / msgpack.org[Qt]

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT

qmsgpack Build Status

MessagePack for Qt


Complete documentation is available here: msgpack.marsworks.ru (still working on it)


Clone repository:

git clone https://github.com/romixlab/qmsgpack.git

Run cmake:

cd qmsgpack
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..



Run tests and install

make tests install

Sample usage


QVariantList list;
list << 1 << 2 << 3;
QByteArray array = MsgPack::pack(list);


QVariantList unpacked = MsgPack::unpack(array).toList();

By default these Qt types are supported: Int, UInt, LongLong, ULongLong, Double, QByteArray, Bool, QString, QStringList, QVariantList, QVariantMap.

Also you can provide packer and unpacker functions for any other type (even for user type defined via Q_DECLARE_METATYPE) or MsgPack type.

Qt types and User types

There is packers and unpackers for QColor, QTime, QDate, QDateTime, QPoint, QSize, QRect. Also you can create your own packer/unpacker methods for Qt or your own types. See docs for details.


At this time it is not safe to call MsgPack::registerPacker, MsgPack::registerUnpacker and MsgPack::setCompatibilityModeEnabled from different threads. pack and unpack methods do not use any global data, so should be safe to use from multiple threads.