Brief introduction

This is the web-client of my Cross-Platform End-to-End Messaging Service, it lets you chat end to end with your besties! Your previous chats would not be lost, and yes the entire chat service is behind the auth.

Steps to use the live website

  1. Click on Register on the top-right corner.
  2. Send an Otp to your email.
  3. Verify your email, by entering the correct Otp.
  4. Set up your credentials.
  5. Hurray!, your account is all set up.
  6. Click on Login, and fill up your creds.
  7. You will now be presented with the list of all the registered users.
  8. Click on any of them to begin your end-to-end communication.
  9. You will be presented with a great user interface to chat.
  10. Try logging out and logging in again.
  11. Database to our rescue, your previous chats are conserved.
  12. Try visiting secure routes after logging out, access would be forbidden.

Technology Stack

React.js, socket-io-client