This is an rpn calclulator with a maximum stack size of 5. It has full support for real and complex numbers and will calculate summary statistics for a set of reals of real pairs. Spaces are important since they are used to distinguish tokens.
This code does not build with the default compiler on most systems; it is only known to build with ifort from Intel's OneAPI or nagfor from NAG (thanks to
The Intel compiler if freely available (you'll need both basic and hpc to get the Fortran compiler):
Makefiles are provided that will build this application on Windows or Linux using either nmake or make respectively.
hp -h
Command Calculator
This is a command-line calculator. It supports both real and complex modes, as well
as degrees/radians selection and precision control. It can be run interactively or as an
expression parser. This help is deliberately terse to encourage exploration.
Operators: + - * / ^ ^/x ^x ^2 ^/2 ^3 ^/3 ^*2 ^*10 || ! %
Constants: pi e g G c two_pi pi_over_2
Functions: sin cos tan asin acos atan sinh cosh tanh log2 log lg len sq sqrt cb cbrt
alog2 alog alog10 gamma ncr npr rem int nint
Controls: fix[0-9] clx cl cla
Modes: real complex verbose terse degrees radians
Memories: n=0...9 st<n> sw<n> rc<n> cl<n> m<n>+ m<n>- m<n>* m<n>/ msh
Complex: ri _ || to_pol to_cart
Actions: 1/ -- R r ? > < split drop
Stats: { x1 x2 ... } { x1,y1 x2,y2 ... }
n ux sx mx lqx uqx uy sy my lqy uqy a b cov corr
Quits: q =
hp "fix2 18 2 - 8 2 / * =" -> 64.00
hp "2 -- complex sqrt =" -> (0.00000,-1.414214)
hp -c "radians (1,pi_over_2)p ^ * degrees =" -> (1.000000,180.000000) p
To build with fpm(1) ( as described at Fortran Package Manager ) enter:
git clone
cd hp
fpm test --compiler ifort
fpm run --compiler ifort
# or using the response file (saves writing --compiler ifort everywhere)
fpm @build
fpm @test
fpm @run
or just list it as a dependency in your fpm.toml project file.
hp = { git = "" }