
Toy project. Trying to use Django inside a Docker container for both local development and production deployment.

Primary LanguagePython

Use Django with Docker

This repository is used to test a new project layout to develop Django applications within Docker containers. To be very fancy, we're also using Pipfile instead of requirements.txt for our Python dependencies.


We're using Alpine Linux for the base image, to start with a small container size. The official Python image python:3.6.2-alpine3.6 provides the Python interpreter. Further we utilize pipenv) to try a new bleeding-edge approach of Python requirement management.

Current status

Currently the local development works using a dockerized default Django project with a dockerized PostgreSQL instance.

The project can also be deployed to Dokku. Note: In the current layout, with the Dockerfile residing under ./docker/dokku/Dockerfile you will need to install the dokku-dockerfile plugin and set the path accordingly.

In the future I'd also like to play around with Travis-CI and an automatic deploy to our Dokku server using Travis-CI. Getting Celery to run would also be neat.


Local development

Running docker-compose up --build -d will build the app and PostgreSQL, collect all staticfiles and start both services. It will then migrate the Django models to the database. The app will then be available under localhost:8000.

Deployment to production (via Dokku)

Prepare app on Dokku host

Before deployment, one needs to set up the app and PostgreSQL database on the Dokku host. For the sake of simplicity we're going to name the Dokku app djangodocker.

# Create app
$ dokku app:create djangodocker

# Create PostgreSQL database and link it to the app
$ dokku postgres:create djangodocker-postgres
$ dokku postgres:link djangodocker-postgres djangodocker

# Set the bare minimum configuration
$ dokku config:set --no-restart djangodocker DJANGO_ADMIN_URL="/admin"
$ dokku config:set --no-restart djangodocker DJANGO_ALLOWED_HOSTS=djangodocker.example.com
$ dokku config:set --no-restart djangodocker DJANGO_SECRET_KEY=$(echo `openssl rand -base64 64` | tr -d ' ')
$ dokku config:set --no-restart djangodocker DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE=config.settings.production

# Make sure the plugin `dokku-dockerfile` is installed
$ dokku dockerfile:set djangodocker docker/dokku/Dockerfile

You may also need to set the domain using dokku domain:set djangodocker djangodocker.example.com.

Setup Dokku server as git remote

To successfully push your app to the Dokku host, you need to set up the server as a git remote:

git remote add dokku dokku@djangodocker.example.com:djangodocker


Deploying the master branch of the app is straightforward:

git push dokku master

If you want to deploy another branch (e.g. newfeature), you need to use this syntax:

git push dokku newfeature:master

More information can be found in the official Dokku documentation.