
jQuery widget that adds mobile touch swipe event handling as well as mouse 'swipe' event handling

Primary LanguageJavaScript

see sample.htm

uses touch support for ipad - (tested on ipad only at this point - *should* work on android)
supports mouse as well

see jquery.swipe.js options

minSwipeLength: 65, // the shortest distance the user may swipe - the lower the number the more sensitive
minMouseSwipeLength: 20,
preventDefault :false //used on TouchStart - setting this to true would negate things like button press from working, etc...

ui.swipeDirection returns the swipe direction 'up', 'down', 'left', 'right'

	swiped: function (e, ui) {

Version 1.0.2
2/16/2012 Added Windows 8 tablet touch support
In order to work with Windows 8 touch, add the following to the html, body CSS:
overflow: hidden; 
-ms-content-zooming: none;/* Disable pan/zoom */

Created AMD version using volo - to amdify - use node ie.  node volo amdify depends=jquery jquery.swipe.amd.js
(see: http://github.com/volojs/volo for details)