
Epicyclic music visualiser

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Flourish is an epicyclic music visualiser. It takes the core concept of Fourier analysis, that any signal can be represented as a sum of cycles, and uses it to construct a spiral made out of the relationships between the frequencies in music.

If you just want to see it in action, here's Flourish. If you want to know more, read on!

The code has three essential building blocks:

  • Audio, which takes input from the microphone and transforms it into a frequency spectrum using the Web Audio API
  • Spiral, which turns that frequency spectrum into a spiral shape that we can plot
  • Canvas, which plots the spiral on the screen


The Audio code sets up an audio context, handles the getUserMedia dance, and acts as a little wrapper for AnalyserNode so we can get FFTs out.

class Audio {
  constructor() {
    const context = new AudioContext({
      latencyHint: 'interactive',
      sampleRate: 48000,
    const input = context.createGain()

    const analyser = context.createAnalyser()
    analyser.fftSize = CONFIG.fftSize
    analyser.smoothingTimeConstant = CONFIG.smoothing

    const buffer = new Float32Array(analyser.frequencyBinCount)

    this.currentSource = null

    Object.assign(this, {context, input, analyser, buffer})

  async listen() {

    const media = await navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia({
      audio: {
        echoCancellation: false,
        noiseSuppression: false,
        autoGainControl: false,
        sampleRate: 48000,
        latency: 0

    const source = this.context.createMediaStreamSource(media)
    this.currentSource = source

    return source

  fft() {
    return this.buffer

  stop() {
    const source = this.currentSource
    source?.mediaStream?.getTracks().forEach(track => track.stop())

    this.currentSource = null


The Spiral is created from our FFT data. The whole spectrum would allow us to reconstruct the signal in perfect detail, but we just want the most important bits. So, we take the frequency data and only use the top K values – those with the greatest contribution to the final signal. We also apply some thresholding, mostly for performance.

Web Audio gives us values in dB, so we undo that to get the unscaled power values back. We also halve all the frequencies so that we get a one-sided spiral instead of a symmetric figure.

For scaling, we also keep track of the decibel value of the loudest frequency.

class Spiral {
  constructor(data) {
    const top = topk(data, CONFIG.complexity, CONFIG.threshold)

    const {volmin, volmax} = CONFIG
    const db = top[0]?.v ?? volmin

    this.vol = clamp((db - volmin) / (volmax - volmin), 0, 1)

    const freqs = top.map(d => ({
      ratio: d.i / 2,
      power: 10**(d.v/20),

    this.freqs = freqs

getPoint is a parametric equation that turns values from 0->1 into coordinates along the spiral by adding up all the frequencies at that point. It returns values in an arbitrary range (depending on power), so we scale it later.

  getPoint(t) {
    const {freqs} = this

    let x = 0
    let y = 0

    for (let i = 0; i < freqs.length; i++) {
      const v = freqs[i].power
      const f = freqs[i].ratio

      const n = t * f
      x += fastsin(n) * v
      y += fastsin(n+0.25) * v

    return {x, y}

We need a dummy spiral to display until we have real data to work with.

  static dummy() {
    const spiral = new this([])
    spiral.freqs = [
      {ratio: 3, power: 0.3},
      {ratio: 2.5, power: 0.6},
      {ratio: 16, power: 0.1},
    spiral.vol = 1

    return spiral


Canvas handles the plumbing of the canvas element and gets called in the main loop to actually draw the spiral.

The fundamental spiral shape is represented by Spiral, but it's Canvas's job to turn that into pixels on the screen.

class Canvas {
  constructor(el) {
    this.el = el
    this.ctx = el.getContext('2d', {alpha: false})

    this.smoothVol = 0


  resize() {
    const {el} = this

    this.width = el.width = el.offsetWidth * window.devicePixelRatio
    this.height = el.height = el.offsetHeight * window.devicePixelRatio


  clear() {
    const {ctx} = this

    ctx.fillStyle = 'white'
    ctx.strokeStyle = 'black'
    ctx.lineWidth = window.devicePixelRatio

    ctx.fillRect(0, 0, this.width, this.height)

We want to smooth out the data so that the spiral slowly responds to changes in loudness. We do this in the draw loop, but we don't want it to depend on the frame rate, so we scale it by the time since the last frame.

  getSmoothVol(vol, dt) {
    if (dt) {
      const frames = dt / (1000 / 60)
      this.smoothVol = mix(vol, this.smoothVol, CONFIG.volsmoothing**frames)
    else {
      this.smoothVol = vol
    return this.smoothVol

draw handles iterating through the points of the spiral, scaling them, and drawing them to the canvas.

We use p0, which will always be the largest point of the spiral, to scale the spiral to a uniform size. We then offset it vertically so that it "grows" up from the bottom of the screen.

We apply two scaling factors based on the audio's volume:

  • size scales getPoint's output, making the spiral larger or smaller.
  • extent scales getPoint's input, making the spiral shorter or longer.

Together, these give the visualisation its characteristic unfurling movement.

  draw(spiral, dt) {
    const {ctx, width, height} = this

    if (!spiral.freqs[0]) return

    const vol = this.getSmoothVol(spiral.vol, dt)
    const size = vol**CONFIG.sizepower
    const extent = vol**CONFIG.extentpower

    const p0 = spiral.getPoint(0)
    const r0 = Math.max(p0.x, p0.y)
    const r = Math.min(width, height)/2

    const N = CONFIG.numpoints

    for (let i = 0; i <= N; i++) {
      let {x, y} = spiral.getPoint(i/N * extent)

      x = size * x * r / r0 + width/2
      y = size * y * r / r0 + height - size * r

      ctx.lineTo(x, y)

UI & Main loop

With all the major pieces in place, we can now proceed to the important task of doing frontend to it.

This basically involves reacting to various DOM events and plumbing those events through into the rest of the code.

async function main() {
  const canvas = new Canvas($('#canvas'))
  window.addEventListener('resize', canvas.resize.bind(canvas), {passive: true})

We draw a dummy spiral, and make sure it redraws on resize.

  const drawDummy = () => canvas.draw(Spiral.dummy())

  window.addEventListener('resize', drawDummy, {passive: true})

Microphone access requires user input, so we wait until the splash screen is clicked.

We might not get access, in which case just chill. Maybe they'll change their mind?

  const audio = new Audio()
  while (true) {
    try {
      await nextEvent(document, 'click')
      await audio.listen()
    catch {}

  window.removeEventListener('resize', drawDummy)
  $('#splash').hidden = true

We give up microphone access when our page isn't visible. There's no point running a visualisation in the background, and the "page is listening to you" notification is creepy.

  document.addEventListener('visibilitychange', () => {
    document.hidden ? audio.stop() : audio.listen()

With everything in place, all that's left is to run our animation loop until the end of time.

  let lastt = performance.now()
  while (true) {
    const t = await nextFrame()

    const spiral = new Spiral(audio.fft())
    canvas.draw(spiral, t-lastt)

    lastt = t


Some GLSL-inspired math functions.

const clamp = (v, min, max) => Math.max(min, Math.min(max, v))
const mix = (v0, v1, t) => v0 * (1-t) + v1 * t

Useful DOM functions.

const $ = document.querySelector.bind(document)

const nextFrame = () => new Promise(requestAnimationFrame)
const nextEvent = (el, name) =>
  new Promise(resolve =>
    el.addEventListener(name, resolve, {once: true, passive: true}))

A fast sine function using a lookup table, close enough for our purposes. It takes input in turns, the One True Angular Unit.

const LUTN = 512
const LUTMASK = LUTN-1
const LUT = new Float32Array(LUTN)
for (let i = 0; i < LUTN; i++) {
  LUT[i] = Math.sin(i/LUTN * Math.PI * 2)
const fastsin = (x) => {
  const i = x * LUTN
  const i0 = Math.floor(i)
  const i1 = Math.ceil(i)
  return mix(LUT[i0 & LUTMASK], LUT[i1 & LUTMASK], i-i0)

A top-k algorithm that's not going to win many points on Leetcode, but does win the "not having to implement a heap" prize for judicious use of time and energy.

function topk(input, k, threshold) {
  const result = []

  let min = -Infinity

  for (let i = 0; i < input.length; i++) {
    const v = input[i]

    if (v < threshold || v < min) continue

    let newVal = {i, v}

    // We're holding a value, let's find a place to put it!
    for (let j = 0; j < k; j++) {
      let oldVal = result[j]

      // If we find an empty spot before the end, put the value there
      // (this only happens when the list is smaller than K)
      if (!oldVal) {
        result[j] = newVal

      // If we find a smaller value, replace it with our value
      // But now we need to find a place to put the value we replaced
      // So we pick it up instead and keep going
      if (newVal.v > oldVal.v) {
        result[j] = newVal
        newVal = oldVal

        if (j === k-1) min = v

  return result


These are our tuneables, earned by undertaking the legendary trials of error.

const CONFIG = {
  fftSize: 2048,
  threshold: -90,
  complexity: 96,
  smoothing: 0.9,
  volmin: -80,
  volmax: -40,
  volsmoothing: 0.8,
  sizepower: 0.5,
  extentpower: 1.5,
  numpoints: 360*4,

Hello, world

We made it! Let's get started.
