
Record and playback DOM edits

Primary LanguageHTMLMIT LicenseMIT


pere is a utility for record and playback of DOM edits. It uses the DOM MutationObserver to watch for changes and turns those changes into a JSON representation that can be stored and replayed. It preserves timing information, which means you can use it to show the process of writing a document.

You can see an example of using it for that purpose here: https://samgentle.com/posts/2016-04-10-red-green-refactor-writing

And a demo where you can record and playback your own edits here: https://demos.samgentle.com/pere

So far it only supports bare elements (no attributes) and text. Attributes wouldn't be too hard to add, but I didn't need them at the time I wrote it. The main thing missing from this library is a rigorous set of tests. It does a lot of tricksy algorithmic things and text editing/patching is notoriously easy to get wrong.

If you're interested in using this but wish it was more reliable, get in touch. Or, y'know, just fork it and make it work yourself. Either is fine.

String diffing

One of the trickiest parts of this is that MutationObserver only gives us the raw content of text nodes. It's up to us to turn that into a minimal representation of the actual changes. This is a problem known as the longest common subsequence, and the canonical algorithm is called the Myers diff algorithm, which is documented here: http://www.xmailserver.org/diff2.pdf

I am using something... similar. It's not the proper Myers diff, really just a kind-of-breadth-first-kind-of-A* thing. I don't recommend this, but it was helpful for me to learn about how the Myers diff algorithm works. It would be faster and neater to replace it with the actual algorithm, but since it works well enough I haven't done that.

We start with some supporting cast members for our search algorithm. We need a sorted insert function to maintain our priority queue of nodes in edit-space to visit.

defaultComp = (a, b) -> a > b

sortedInsert = (ary, item, greater=defaultComp) ->
  start = 0
  end = ary.length
  while start < end
    i = Math.floor (start + end) / 2
    if greater item, ary[i]
      start = i + 1
      end = i

  ary.splice start, 0, item

This is just a simple print function to show our path through edit space. Useful for debugging.

disp = (str1, str2, path) ->
  ret = []
  while path
    ret.unshift "-#{str1[path.prev.x]}" if path.dir is 0
    ret.unshift "+#{str2[path.prev.y]}" if path.dir is 1
    ret.unshift "=#{str1[path.prev.x]}" if path.dir is 2
    path = path.prev
  ret.join ''

diffcomp = (path1, path2) ->
  path1.d > path2.d

This is the main function the runs the search. We maintain a list of nodes in edit space, adding new ones as they come up. Edit space is, roughly, a coordinate system where the x axis consumes characters from one string, the y axis consumes characters from another, and diagonal movement represents a match (consuming both at the same time).

In this system, diagonal movement is free, whereas other movements have a cost of 1. This means the shortest path will always be the one with the most diagonals. We keep going until we reach the bottom right of edit-space (all characters consumed from both strings).

Finally, we return the path we took to get here (stored in a linked list on the nodes themselves).

diff = (str1, str2) ->
  visited = {}
  paths = [{x: 0, y: 0, d: 0, dir: -1, prev: null}]
  n = 0
  until !paths[0] or (paths[0].x == str1.length) and (paths[0].y == str2.length)
    thisPath = paths.shift()
    {x, y, dir, d, prev} = thisPath
    continue if visited["#{x}:#{y}"] or (x > str1.length) or (y > str2.length)

    visited["#{x}:#{y}"] = true
    if str1[x] and (str1[x] == str2[y])
      sortedInsert paths, {x: x + 1, y: y + 1, d, dir: 2, prev: thisPath}, diffcomp
    else if dir is 0
      sortedInsert paths, {x: x + 1, y, d: d + 1, dir: 0, prev: thisPath}, diffcomp
      sortedInsert paths, {x, y: y + 1, d: d + 1, dir: 1, prev: thisPath}, diffcomp
    else #if dir is 1
      sortedInsert paths, {x, y: y + 1, d: d + 1, dir: 1, prev: thisPath}, diffcomp
      sortedInsert paths, {x: x + 1, y, d: d + 1, dir: 0, prev: thisPath}, diffcomp

  p = paths[0]
  ret = []
  lastt = null
  chunks = { '-': [], '+': [], '=': [] }
  while p
    t = '-+='[p.dir]

    # Batch sequences of =, +/- together
    if !p.prev or (t != lastt and (t is '=' or lastt is '='))
      i = 0
      for _t in '+-=' when chunks[_t].length
        i += 1
        ret.unshift {t: _t, c: chunks[_t]}
        chunks[_t] = []

    if chunks[t]
      c = if p.dir is 1 then str2[p.prev.y] else str1[p.prev.x]
      chunks[t].unshift c

    lastt = t
    p = p.prev

Our return value includes full details of all matched and removed characters. We don't need that for record/playback, but it might be useful for something else, so we provide an extra function that strips it all out.

strip = (patch) ->
  for p in patch
    if p.t is '=' or p.t is '-'
      {l: p.c.length, t: p.t}

Patch is the inverse of diff (ie, it takes str1 and the output of diff(str1, str2) and gives you str2). It is, mercifully, much simpler than diff.

patch = (str, patch) ->
  newstr = []
  i = 0
  si = 0
  for p in patch
    if p.t is '='
      l = p.l
      newstr.push str.slice(si, si + l)
      i += l
      si += l
    if p.t is '+'
      newstr.push p.c.join('')
      i += p.l
    if p.t is '-'
      si += p.l

Event API

Observe takes an element and a callback, and calls that callback with all edits that happen to the element (or its children). This includes structural DOM changes as well as text edits.

The format looks like {type: 'type', id: 'foo', data: 'bar'} with various properties instead of data for the different types. The types are add (for a new node), remove (for a node going away) and edit (for changes to a node). The edit type contains a diff as created by our diff function.

observe = (el, callback) ->
  el.innerHTML = ""
  nodeid = 0
  nodeids = new Map()
  oldVals = new Map()
  removedids = new Map()
  editTimers = new Map()
  timestamp = Date.now()

  addNode = (parent, node) ->
    return if nodeids.get(node)
    id = nodeid++
    nodeids.set node, id
    oldVals.set(node, node.data) if node.data
    console.warn "parent unknown", parent if !nodeids.get(parent)? and parent isnt el
    if node.previousSibling? and !nodeids.get(node.previousSibling)?
      console.warn "sibling unknown", node.previousSibling, removedids.get(node.previousSibling)
    callback {
      type: 'add', id, nodeType: node.nodeType, tag: node.tagName,
      parent: nodeids.get(parent), data: node.data,
      after: (nodeids.get(node.previousSibling))
      timestamp: Date.now() - timestamp

    addNode node, child for child in node.childNodes if node.childNodes

  removeNode = (node) ->
    removeNode child for child in node.childNodes if node.childNodes

    id = nodeids.get node
    nodeids.delete node
    oldVals.delete node
    clearTimeout editTimers.get node
    editTimers.delete node
    removedids.set node, id
    callback {type: 'remove', id, timestamp: Date.now() - timestamp} if id?

  observer = new MutationObserver (mutations) ->
    for mut in mutations then do (mut) ->
      if mut.type is 'childList'
        addNode mut.target, addedNode for addedNode in mut.addedNodes

        removeNode removedNode for removedNode in mut.removedNodes

      else if mut.type is 'characterData'
        target = mut.target
        return if editTimers.get target
        timer = setTimeout ->
          editTimers.delete target

          oldVal = oldVals.get(target) or ''
          newVal = target.data
          oldVals.set(target, newVal)
          return if oldVal == newVal

          edits = strip diff oldVal, newVal

          id = nodeids.get(target)
          callback {type: 'edit', id, edits, timestamp: Date.now() - timestamp} if id?
        , Math.floor(Math.random()*300)+200

        editTimers.set target, timer

  observer.observe el, {childList: true, characterData: true, subtree: true}
  {unobserve: -> observer.disconnect()}

Reflect will take a DOM element and return an object that you can call .apply on to apply edits as produced by observe. That is, you should be able to apply all the edits emitted by observe to an element and get the same document back.

reflect = (el) ->
  el.innerHTML = ""
  nodeids = {}
  apply: (e) ->
    switch e.type
      when 'add'
        if e.nodeType is 1
          node = document.createElement e.tag
        else if e.nodeType is 3
          node = document.createTextNode ""
        node.data = e.data if e.data?
        node.innerHTML = e.innerHTML if e.innerHTML?
        nodeids[e.id] = node
        parent = nodeids[e.parent] or el

        if afterNode = nodeids[e.after]
          parent.insertBefore node, afterNode.nextSibling
          parent.insertBefore node, parent.firstChild

      when 'remove'
        delete nodeids[e.id]

      when 'edit'
        node = nodeids[e.id]
        newdata = patch(node.data, e.edits)
        node.data = newdata

Playback API

This is a higher-level wrapper around observe and reflect. Instead of operating with callbacks, it just returns or accepts an array of edits.

Record returns a mutable array that mutates as modifications are made. That is, the array it returns should always reflect the total edits made to the element at the time it is accessed.

record = (el, callback=->) ->
  edits = []
  observer = observe el, (edit) ->
    edits.push edit
  edits.unobserve = observer.unobserve

Playback accepts an array of edits and, unlike the apply method on observe, it respects timing information. playback returns an object that can be used to control playback, including by pausing, resuming, or changing playback speed.

playback = (el, edits, speed=1.0) ->
  reflector = reflect el
  i = 0
  lasttime = 0
  timeout = null
  pause = ->
    clearTimeout timeout

  play = ->
    return unless edits[i]
    timeout = setTimeout ->
      edit = edits[i]

      reflector.apply edit
      lasttime = edit.timestamp
    , ((edits[i].timestamp - lasttime) / speed) or 0

  setSpeed = (_speed) ->
    speed = _speed

  {setSpeed, pause, play}


Export our API to either NodeJS or the browser.

ex = {observe, reflect, record, playback}

if typeof window == 'undefined'
  module.exports = ex
  window.pere = ex