Software Engineer with 10+ years of experience developing web-based and mobile solutions involved in the whole software development life cycle using C#.
@sgsoluciones Santo Domingo, Republica Dominicana
sgermosen's Followers
- 1707rosa
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- Cipher115
- CrisPimente
- dalvinseguraSeguraDev
- edwar10
- FrancisAntonio
- hu8813Vienna, Austria
- JahaziJoel
- jedelorbeminayaSanto Domingo , Dominican Republic
- JorgeHernandezZK
- jorgeismaelpenasegura
- Juaneliezer
- K3ury99Kortex
- LeidySalcedo
- LuisPoche
- perladj06
- RavenhillOCM
- RobertGuerrero0
- Shisui1601
- shivchavn
- SorraimiRivasDominican Republic
- Ssantanab
- TDWTheMasterRD, Dominican Republic
- V0440
- WilCastro12
- wjpe27
- yeimi-ux
- zbejasMaribor, Slovenia