
May 2015 - Troubleshooting CSS

Primary LanguageCSS


May 2015 - Troubleshooting CSS
Tim Franklin (Twitter: @pureux)

Files of Interest

  • slides > Troubleshooting CSS.pptx (PowerPoint slide deck)
  • css > troubleshooting.css (CSS demo file; view previous commits to see before/after)
  • css > summon.css (addendum CSS demo file)
  • default.htm (example cats page from Semantic UI, used in demo)

6 Questionssssss

  1. SUMMON Is the CSS even being summoned by the page?
  2. STALE Is the CSS stale because of file caching?
  3. SELECTOR Does the selector match the element?
  4. SPECIFICITY Is a more specific selector overriding the property?
  5. SUPPORT Is the property supported by the browser (version/doc mode)?
  6. SATISFY Does the property satisfy the need independently?