A Rubik's Cube timer built in Python. The timer starts upon pressing of space-bar or clicking of Start button and can be stopped either by pressing space-bar or by clicking the Stop button. The timer automatically saves all the times in a text file. The Timer Window displays the last 12 solves, average of 5, average of 12, total mean, your best time, developer's best time and a 3x3 scramble with a button to change the scramble. The Timer also congratulates you through a message box when you beat the developer's best.
git clone https://github.com/sggts04/pycubetimer
cd pycubetimer
pip install -r requirements.txt
python pycubetimer.py
When Timer is stopped
When Timer is working
- Added 'Your Best Time'
- Updated Developer's Best Time
- Added Developer's Best Time and a Congratulations Box when you beat it.
- Fixed visual bug for the Update Scramble Button
- Initial Release