A property list editor for macOS, similar to Xcode's. Has full support for macOS Mojave light and dark appearance.
Adding to Your Project
Add the following to your Cartfile:
github "LeoNatan/LNPropertyListEditor"
Make sure you follow the Carthage integration instructions here.
Drag the LNPropertyListEditor.xcodeproj
project to your project, and add LNPropertyListEditor.framework
to Embedded Binaries in your project target's General tab. Xcode should sort everything else on its own.
CocoaPods is not supported. There are many reasons for this. Instead of CocoaPods, use Carthage. You can continue using CocoaPods for for your other dependencies and Carthage for LNPropertyListEditor
Using the Framework
While the framework is written in Objective C, it uses modern Objective C syntax, so using the framework in Swift should be very easy and intuitive.
Project Integration
Import the module in your project:
@import LNPropertyListEditor;