
My translation of the Æneid, based on Pharr and done during latin IV class


In spring 2009 I took Latin IV at The University of Texas at Austin which
focused on the Æneid. These are the documents that I produced in the course of
that study.


* extra_credit:  I had an assignment to comprehensively pick apart 15 lines of text.
* vocab_supplements:  text files usable by iFlipr that can be used to help you get a handle of Æneid vocabulary quickly
* README:  This file


Source files are written in custom formatted TeX.

Writing these may look complicated, but you should take advantage of my
latintools project (http://github.com/sgharms/latintools/tree). With Textmate,
these make TM a lean, mean, Latin text editing machine and make it easy to
produce TeX files of this form.

aeneid_book.tex is the big mamma-jamma. pdflatex it and it will use the LaTeX
directive "include" to slurp in all the other TeX files. After all the
processing is done, you should be left with a aeneid_book.pdf.

Alternatively, open the directory in textmate, open aeneid_book.tex, and use
command-R to build it and launch a PDF viewer.


I am certainly not the world's best Latin translator. My translations should
not be stolen wholesale and used for homework. Odds are, if you do that, you
will inherit all my errors. Please use this as a guide, as a tool, and, where
possible, help me refine these. But really, wholesale ripoff will probably
hurt you.

You probably also signed something that said you wouldn't cheat. Be excellent
and live up to your promises, what would the pious Æeneas make of cheating?