- 0
Investigate / put back caching in GTK3
#151 opened by danielhams - 2
- 0
- 1
- 1
Research inclusion of neko_glitz
#124 opened by danielhams - 1
- 1
#146 opened by danielhams - 2
- 6
SSHD irix init.d file
#112 opened by mgtremaine - 1
#include_next <stdint.h> missing
#216 opened by dacobi - 5
tdnf does not work if PWD is /usr/sgug/bin
#197 opened by LaurentChardon - 1
rpmbuild builds but doesn't create target RPM
#195 opened by oweidner - 3
strlcpy missing from libc
#191 opened by LaurentChardon - 2
warning: user dan does not exist - using root
#187 opened by oweidner - 0
mpg123 compiled without sgi audio support
#185 opened by oweidner - 0
xterm: Backspace and Ctr+C issues
#184 opened by oweidner - 1
Add ldconfig_scriptlets to main rpm macros
#181 opened by vvuk - 1
Netsurf IconCatalog Script
#176 opened by chulofiasco - 1
Netsurf needs thread
#178 opened by Jenna64bit - 2
aterm locally fails to start [sgug-rse 0.0.7]
#166 opened by mgtremaine - 7
- 2
- 2
Add IRIX file monitoring to glib2
#155 opened by danielhams - 3
- 3
ncurses: wide character library seems borken
#133 opened by danielhams - 1
chrpath - look into making the tool do nothing
#145 opened by danielhams - 5
Move sgugshell to actual package
#147 opened by danielhams - 3
- 1
Clean up files outside of RSE prefix
#156 opened by danielhams - 0
Use of not-entirely-conformant %{_infodir}
#143 opened by danielhams - 2
rpm-macros: rewrite of /usr/bin/env bash (etc)
#136 opened by danielhams - 1
- 8
- 4
0.0.6pre: shared-mime-info mime cache not built
#121 opened by unxmaal - 8
WIP Starter Pack issues
#111 opened by unxmaal - 2
glib/python3 circular dependency
#103 opened by techfury90 - 2
- 3
python3-config from python3-3.8.1-2wip.sgugbeta.mips does not function properly
#72 opened by unxmaal - 3
cmake 3.17.2 from wip: unable to build
#67 opened by danielhams - 3
git won't read RSA keys for remote work via ssh
#54 opened by dillera - 7
libxml2 problems with "installed_prefix"
#118 opened by unxmaal - 0
- 3
- 2
make issues - duping jobs pipe
#53 opened by danielhams - 11
binutils: multi-GOT building/linking issues
#40 opened by danielhams - 6
sgug-rse must verify prior to initial installation that appropriate version of OS, MIPSPro, and patches exist on the target host
#51 opened by unxmaal - 1
- 2
- 2
- 0