
Annotate golang.org/x/exp/slog logs with context-attached slog.Attrs

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Go Reference

Handler for log/slog that annotates logs with slog.Attr set on the context. Provides methods for adding slog.Attr to the context and a slog.Handler for automatically reading them from the context and adding them to log lines. Useful for adding fields such as request_id, xray_trace_id, or caller to log lines.


Use ctxlog.WithAttrs(ctx, attrs...) to add slog.Attr to the context. Use ctxlog.NewHandler(baseHandler) to create a new slog.Handler that reads attrs from the context and adds them to log lines automatically.

package main

import (

func main() {
 ctx := context.Background()

 // Create ctxlog and json logger and set it as the default logger
 logger := slog.New(ctxlog.NewHandler(slog.NewJSONHandler(os.Stdout)))

 // Can set attrs on the context using ctxlog.WithAttrs(ctx, ...slog.Attr)
 ctx = ctxlog.WithAttrs(ctx, slog.String("hello", "world"))

 // Use slog methods such as InfoContext and the ctxlog handler will automatically
 // attach attrs from the context to the structured logs.
 slog.InfoContext(ctx, "test")
 // Output:{"level":"INFO","msg":"test","hello":"world"}